I dropped my daughter off at school this morning and I was overjoyed to see the kids around the flagpole. I was saddened that this year I couldn’t join them. What a great event, a great stride for Christians having prayer in public school, which is 100% legal if you do it right.
There is great opportunity for Christian activity on public school campus if it’s done correctly. Items like the Equal Access Act give Christian students a right to have Christian clubs if the school allows any other clubs. It opens the door for great opportunity. We need Christian students who will stand up for their faith. Those students need adults who will stand with them.
I am not saying that every pastor needs to go to a high school campus and try to start an organization, because you can’t. What I am advocating and encouraging is for adults to support, pray for, pray with, equip and encourage Christian students who attend secular, public schools. If you home school your kids, and that is right for you, that’s great. Don’t change, but know there are things you can do. Open your home to Christian students, public, private, Christian and home schooled for Bible Study. Encourage those students to be on mission, where ever they are. Pray for the students and encourage them.
Our students have a great mission field before them. If we stand behind them and help them stand together, they can do amazing things.