I hear a lot about the death of blogging. I think it’s wishful thinking. Sometimes I would echo that wish.
But I haven’t abandoned my post. I’ve neglected the site for the last month or so, and the next two weeks are going to be even worse. I’m leaving tomorrow evening after prayer service for Omaha to catch a flight on Thursday morning to Africa. I’m going to be spending 11 days on an intense discipleship program trying to counsel and assist the good Dr. Bart Barber with some of his personal issues.
Actually, I’m sure exactly how much detail to give, but we will be doing evangelism among unreached, unengaged people groups in the West African nation of Senegal. We’ll be back on the 18th. I’m sure I’ll have plenty to say after that!
SBC Voices and our blogging feeds off of two things:
1) A scandal or some other event that draws people together to talk. We saw plenty of those last year and will likely see more of them this year. I absolutely hate that kind of blogging, but I’ve come to realize that SBC Voices has the unique position now that we are where people go to talk about things like that.
2) Writers who provide fresh, thought-provoking insights on issues of theology, ministry, even politics and societal issues, from a biblical,and, yes, Baptist perspective.
Writers come and they go. Some people get a fire in their belly and write reams for a time, then fall off the map. We’ve got lots of those. I appreciate when they are in the authorial manic phases and understand when the well is dry.
We are always looking for new writers who want to get involved. To be honest, I’ve gotten a little pickier than I used to be. If all you want to do is rehash Calvinism, we’ve been there and done that (about 7 million times). While a reasoned and biblically based criticism of the SBC and its entities is always in order, we’re not interested in the conspiracy theorists or the theological terrorists. I know, that’s a judgment call. Writing a criticism in a godly spirit is one of the hardest things to do. Look back through the archives – we’ve published many and both succeeded and failed in maintaining the spirit of grace.
I will not be able to add any new authors right now. Sorry. When I get back from Africa, I will.
While I’m gone, Mike Bergman, one of our longest standing authors will be in charge of the site. I’ll give out his contact information before I go.
Contributors: Typical “post ’em if you got ’em” rules apply.
1) If you have something ready to go, just post it. Normally, you set it as pending and let me set the schedule. But just put them up when you are ready.
2) If someone else has something scheduled or just posted, make sure you give it at least 5 or 6 hours between posts. Maybe you can even schedule your post to go up first thing the next morning. Up to you.
3) Mike will sort things out, if need be, but everyone is a moderator. If you see a comment that is inappropriate, feel free to delete it if you think it needs to be deleted.
4) I’ve stopped trying to moderate comments as much. It takes a lot of time. But when things get out of hand, I just shut the comments down. Look for the same two or three people going back and forth and a discussion getting increasingly personal. It’s just better to shut it down.
From what I understand, there will be pretty much no internet access where we will be, so I will be completely out of touch for 11 days.
You guys behave.
Oh, and GO OHIO STATE! (But if Oregon wins, the obvious display of SEC ineptitude was satisfying and I can congratulate Dale with joy – all people of good will can celebrate a national championship game that includes NO SEC teams!).
And would someone please, pretty please, with sugar on it…. BEAT the New England COMMUNISTS, the Seattle Vultures, and if its not too much trouble, that Green Bay team.