Dr. Akin read from Revelation 7:9 and following, the passage about the multitude from every tribe and nation gathering around the throne.
Matthew 28:19-20. “Go and make disciples of all nations.” Last words are meant to be lasting words.
At Southeastern in the 90s. A student fired from his church because some black students came to VBS. They came and presented themselves for membership and the deacons immediately fired him because these black children came for baptism and membership.
Later, the chairman of the deacons called him for a recommendation for a pastor candidate. Dr. Akin said, “you already have a pastor. Satan. I don’t have an enemy I hate enough to recommend to your religious club. You are Ichabod.”
Legs upon which the stool of racial reconciliation rest.
1. Biblical truth. We cannot go to the world if we are discriminating here at home.
2. An indiscriminate gospel. One body. One bride. One family. One Father. ONe Savior. One Spirit.
The naysayers are just dead wrong. This IS a gospel issue.
3. Intentionality. We must make intentional inclusion of the nations a core value in all we do.
At SEBTS, racial diversity is one of the 5 core values.
Whites are learning the value of listening to others and to learn from others – other races and other cultures.
Ethnic minority population at SEBTS has doubled. $400,000 has been raised for ethnic scholarships. (This is the long term solution – seminary students building relationships and friendships that last a lifetime).
By God’s grace and for his glory – WE WILL GET THERE!
His prayer: Lord, I long for the day when the church on earth looks like the church in heaven!!