Twelve Perspectives for Coming Generations
1. Talking about the Gospel is as removed from evangelism as talking about driving is from racing in the Indy 500.
We like to talk about the gospel but we are unwilling often to do the grinding work of telling the lost about Christ. A witnessing church is the product of much intercessions, a pastor who demonstrates this by his own action and which makes this a high priority.
How many of you have shared Christ this month? Led someone to Christ this year?
Ezekiel and the watchman scripture was read. “I’m not sure what that means, but I am sure that I don’t want to find out.”
Elton Trueblood – if I do not open the door for another, it may never be opened. I may be the only one who holds this key. (I type too slow to get the whole quote).
2. The culture is your friend in the same way that a brown bear is your buddy.
Black bears will maul you but a brown bear will stay with you until your theory of the creator is confirmed!
Not all of culture is wicked, but it is given over to evil.
Enjoy culture, but a life of holiness is rule by Christ, not culture.
3. Being saved means something quite different than being picked up as a hitchhiker on a hot day.
Much more happens to us at salvation than simply being rescued from hardship.
4. A Christian who has not seriously suffered is like a Rolls Royce with no engine.
While beautiful, it has no use. The godly in Christ Jesus WILL suffer.
Future leaders need seminary, partly because of the crucible. But the ripening of the soul through injustice is essential.
5. Most people who say they believe the Bible do so in the same way they believe in Bhutan. They visit seldomly and have no idea what it contains.
We must proclaim the full counsel of God.
6. Mature elephants have less energy, but they can find water when they need it and they never fight or kill needlessly.
In which he trains his guns on bloggers!
I understand why, but it irritates me.
7) Ecumenism at its finest form is like using a lion in the breeding of monkeys.
It ends up killing both of them!
We need to seek doctrinal purity. Believers church. Immersion.
8) A preacher’s ability to deliver a sermon is admirable, but it is like a pilot who can fly, but cannot take off or land on the aircraft carrier.
One can do so much good for God that we do no good for God’s people.
The care of the flock is crucial to the pastoral role.
9) Arrogance is as charming to God and God’s people as a wounded bull is to a cowboy at a rodeo.
A man cannot be haughty when he has been walking with God. It is our diminution of self that demonstrates spiritual growth.
Pride is the chief enemy in scripture. A recovery of humility and integrity in Christian social media is essential.
10) I didn’t get this one – I was thinking through his last statement.
In addressing Corinthian believers – “I determnined to know nothing but Christ, and Christ crucified” Faith needs to rest on power of God not wisdom of men.
11) When it comes to a fence, a wise traveler will seek to understand why it was built before he tears it down.
Alcohol. Dancing, etc. We were, at times, legalistic. But there were reasons.
Two most devastating industries – beverage alcohol and porn. How can we not build a fence?
We are responsible not only for the commandments but also for the wisdom of God’s Word.
12) When you get into a Texas Shootout, when you draw your pistol, it is too late to call timeout.
Think things through – consider the law of unintended consequences.