Here is your “Fat Pastor, Fit Pastor” devotional thought for the day!
Israel had no shortage of great warriors, who accomplished great deeds in battle; with David, perhaps, the greatest of these. He defeated Goliath and many other foes during the years he led Israel. When he ascended to the throne, he made them musical directors in the house of the Lord. They knew him and his work.
And, in Psalm 44:6-7, they said these words, words which I’m sure reflected David’s beliefs and practices. “For I do not trust in my bow, and my sword does not bring me victory. But You give us victory over our foes and let those who hate us be disgraced.”
David won victories by bravery, by strategy, by brute force. But he knew the truth behind each of those battles. It is not the accuracy of the bow or the skill of the sword that matters most. It is not the size of the army or the strategy of the general that is primary. It is the presence and power of God. If we wish to defeat our foes, it is his strength working through us that is our first need.
I have tried to fight the fat by the bow and sword, so many times. I know a lot about nutrition, about diets, about exercise. When I get on a strict diet, I have an iron will and I can stick to it without cheating. The pounds come off. But then, once the diet is over, I go back to old habits and the weight comes back on (usually bringing a few friends with it).
There is nothing wrong with being skilled at the bow or sword. David was and God used that. But when I trust in my own ability, my motivation or my will-power, I am doomed to failure. I need to trust in God Almighty who made me and saved me and can, by his Spirit, fill me with the will and the power I need.
Lord, I trust in you. I recognize that this enemy is bigger than I am. I have tried to trust in my bow and sword and the battle has been lost. Now, I trust in you – your will-power, your strength, your wisdom, not my own. Thank you for being a God of such amazing power; one in whom I can trust and never be ashamed.
Now, my personal admission: The month of August was a disaster for me. I put on enough weight that I don’t know how much weight I put on – my scale wouldn’t go that high! But I did better in September and today I was back down to my original weight. So, the challenge starts for real this time! Still want to be down 25-30 pounds by the end of the year, but we will see.
Don’t get discouraged. Keep going. May there be less of you next month than there is today.