One of our regular contributors through the years, Chris Roberts, has an extensive Logos library for sale. Here is his note. If you are interested, contact him.
For various reasons, personal and otherwise, I’m selling my Logos Bible Software library for $2000.
Logos has been a huge asset for me over the years. I first purchased it while going through seminary at Beeson Divinity School and I’ve been building it up ever since. It currently contains 3979 resources (which includes 1743 items from the Perseus library) and uses the Logos 5 engine. My most recent package upgrade was for the Logos 5 Platinum library. Between the library and all my extra resources, I’ve spent just over $7000 over the years. I’m selling significantly lower because I don’t expect anyone to shell out anywhere near the full amount in one go. Right now, I’m better off getting a small chunk back rather than none at all. I might negotiate down from $2000, but not much – the price is already significantly reduced. Right now, purchasing the Logos 5 Platinum library would cost $2149 – a little more than what I’m charging but with far fewer resources (Platinum comes with 1370 resources versus my 3979 resources, 2236 non-Perseus; doing the math, I’ve added somewhere around 800 resources over the default package resources). Since this is a digital library, there has been no depreciation in value or quality.
Library transfers are permitted under the Logos End User’s License Agreement. It requires a small fee, which I would cover.
You can find a full list of my resources online. At a glance, my library includes:
- New American Commentary, 40 volumes
- Pillar New Testament Commentary, 11 volumes
- The New International Greek Testament Commentary, 14 volumes
- Warren Wiersbe’s Be commentaries, 12 volumes
- Calvin’s Commentaries
- The Bible Speaks Today, 22 volumes
- Expositor’s Bible Commentary (not the newest release)
- Ante-Nicene, Nicene, Post-Nicene Fathers
- Many works by Spurgeon, including Spurgeon’s Sermons and The Treasury of David, 137 volumes
- The Practical Works of Richard Baxter, 23 volumes
- Puritan Sermons, 6 volumes
- The Baptist History Collection, 11 volumes
- History of the English Baptists, 4 volumes
- The Works of Arminius, 3 volumes
- The Charles Finney Collection, 6 volumes
- The Sermons of John Piper
- The Works of John Piper, 26 volumes
- R. L. Dabney collection, 11 volumes
- The Works of John Owen, 17 volumes
- Henry Alford’s Greek New Testament, 6 volumes
- BDAG, Halot, BDB, NA27 & NA28, BHS
- The Text of the Earliest New Testament Greek Manuscripts, 70 volumes
- Much, much more
Send me an email at if you are interested or have any additional questions.