I had a playful argument with my daughter yesterday about whether is such a thing as Christian rap. It is hard enough for me to go and hear my son’s Christian rock band (earplugs help), but I’m an old fogey and rap just ain’t my cup o’ tea. She reminded me that I was, in fact, a hopelessly old codger who just doesn’t get it.
Then, I saw this on Timmy Brister’s blog today.
I was left with one conclusion – I was wrong. This is one of the best presentations of the gospel you are going to hear.
G.O.S.P.E.L. from Humble Beast Records on Vimeo.
Powerful gospel presentation.
Here’s my only question: Is this rap, or just poetry? Or is there a difference? Remember I’m over 50!
ITEM 2 on the Agenda
Hope you didn’t miss Dr. Moore’s post about Rob Bell. I’m surprised that some bloggers have championed Rob Bell during recent revelations of his drift toward universalism. But Dr. Moore’s post is important, about Rob Bell’s “Blood Drained Gospel.” Here’s the link.