I think there is a lot wrong with the current SBC.
I’ve been vocal about the culture of secrecy, the mega-church mentality, the legalism and so many other things. On blogs, we tend to focus on what is wrong, what is bad, what needs to be fixed.
But, aren’t there some good things as well? Are we all just sticking around because we have nowhere else to go, or we don’t have the courage to leave? What are those good things? Wouldn’t it be good to spend a little time speaking of what we love about the SBC – why we stick with it, even though there are things we don’t like?
1) I love the SBC because it has taken a firm and clear stand that we are going to be a biblically-based denomination. We stood against the theological drift that has corrupted so many denominations and led them to evangelical oblivion. We said, “We believe the Bible.”
2) I love the fact that I can send young preacher boys to any of our six seminaries and know they are going to get a solid biblical education. In my younger days, it was not so.
3) I love giving through the Cooperative Program. By giving in the CP model, I can help to support 10,000 missionaries around the world and in the US. I can support six good seminaries. I can be a part of something much bigger than the ministries of Southern Hills Baptist Church.
4) I love the IMB. We are part of the biggest (and I think best) missions organization in church history. Every time we have a missionary come to speak in our church, I am deeply impressed with their knowledge, passion and desire to serve. When we traveled to Taiwan this summer, our missionaries there went out of their way to make us welcome and help us in our ministry.
Okay, here’s your challenge. Tell me what you like about the SBC. What is good about our convention?