Someone ought to note that this is no small thing – an upstart group of no-names proposing a different approach to a major SBC event, putting forth a candidate, and winning an election. And all that being done in a positive manner and without rancor. The usual way we do things is for a group to get mad about something, spit fire about it, complain incessantly, and try and get a majority vote. That doesn’t usually work but the 2017PC brain trust made this one work.
Congratulations and very good work.
It has always struck me that the attitude of large/megachurch pastors and leadership has been that they love small churches and small church pastors but that they presume that the micro-dudes like to hear megachurch and celebrity guys at conferences and other events. Perhaps they are right but along comes a group that thinks the average SBC pastor might actually like to hear something other than the latest and greatest superstar pastor. Maybe they will.
I like that the brethren formulated a concept, announced it ahead of time, and sold it to the masses.
I like the idea that the brethren are humble enough to approach this as a one-time thing rather than attempting a longer term change in direction.
I like the idea that PC2017 isn’t someone’s idea of a springboard for some to have a higher visibility among us, perhaps for a future SBC presidency, but rather a conference for, uh, pastors featuring Bible exposition.
If seminary presidents, mission board presidents, and others of our high echelon leadership have their ear to the ground they will step forward and offer all the help they can muster. This is grass roots stuff, brethren.
Get the temperature under 100 in Phoenix next year and I’ll do my best to show up.