Today there are folks who know you. Some know you by the ministry you have in your particular area. Some know you as husband, wife, father, mother, friend. Still some may only know you by what you write, how you act and interact with others on the blogs. They only know you by your words, your behavior–your reputation. What do they know? How are you known?
When I read the passage below from Romans, I paused and thought about what Paul is saying: “First, I thank God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because [the report of] your faith is made known to all the world and is commended everywhere.” Romans 1:8.
Wouldn’t it be the most amazing thing to have someone commend you in this way? To have such a faith that the report of it honors your Lord all over the world? All of us have some folks who will commend us. All of us have some folks who will come to our defense at times. But can we be known and commended as is stated in this verse?–“to all the world”? Can our attitude, tone and example be one that is consistent with the faith we profess in Jesus Christ our Lord?
When you write, do you think of this? Do you strive towards it? When you talk to others, do you keep this in mind? Do you regard it when the Holy Spirit convicts you? When you begin your week, do you even consider how you are known to all the world–or your portion of it? These are questions we might all ponder today. What can we do to have the report of our faith be commended? selahV