…if you don’t mind a very loose use of the word “church.” I’m not going anywhere and watching a streamed service isn’t church, since I’m an unapologetic recalcitrant ecclesiastic who will never believe that church can be done without assembly of the saints.
But, by necessity and for a few weeks, I’ll listen in and watch my wonderful pastor preach. There will be, I understand, music, but I will have the freedom to get a snack in the kitchen while that is going on. Maybe we will have A Mighty Fortress today instead of generic CCM the names of which I am unfamiliar. In that case, I’ll skip the snack.
A few notable thing about this virus crisis and my church.
- We immediately went to crisis budgeting, shifting money from non-essentials or things that can be delayed to immediate, local needs.
- The pastor gives these video updates daily. Bah. Humbug. I can read and don’t need to watch him. Nonetheless, I dutifully listen to them. He has not spent a lot of time explaining how we can continue giving. So far, so good.
- We are cooperating as never before with both secular (school system and others) and sacred (other churches) organizations.
- Food distribution is very heavy. We have several deputies helping manage the crowds. Once each week we do this. I got fired from leading this ministry. Too old. Too much risk, I’m told.
Those who think online “church” is really neat. There have been charlatans and mountebanks working this for a century. “Radio church”? Nah. “TV Church” Nah.
By necessity, I’ll act like a shut-in for a few weeks. Actually, I am self-quarantined. Tasks are being done. No weed is left in the yard. All six of my lawnmowers (3 riding, 3 push) are in tip-top shape. Why does anyone need six mowers. American decadence, I suppose.
I’m starting on a trail through the woods, gathering wood for next winter, and mulching this and that.
Had a nice supply of chicken pies from Costco. Very nice, expecially since my wife won’t touch them. Very tasty. I’m down to my last two.
Am putting off getting in the attic to sort stuff out. May leave that for my inheritors. It’s not bothering anyone.
Hope you have a great Lord’s Day, wherever.
There is SBC news and politics happening. Seems gauche to talk about it today. Maybe tomorrow.