When my son turned five, my wife and I went to the nearest book store and bought him his first Bible. I also wanted a good devotional that we could read together as a family to help us understand the Bible. There were a few things that were decent, but nothing that really fit what we were looking for.
What I was really looking for was a devotional that would go through one book of the Bible at a time. And one that would train my little guy in how to do Bible study. Of course, I also wanted it to be engaging and easy enough to actually maintain. But also one that was deep enough that it would plant deep roots in his heart (and maybe even minister to mom and dad while we do it).
When I couldn’t find what I was looking for I decided to just write my own. I wrote about twenty devotions on Paul’s letter to the Colossians, took it to Staples, and turned it into a little devotional for him and gave it to him for his birthday.
After going through these devotions with my own son and listening to the frustrations of other parents I decided to work towards making this curriculum available to other parents. But I also wanted to make sure that the quality was something that compared to the quality of the other devotionals. So I got in touch with a professional artist and a graphic designer. I’ve also been blessed with a few great editors that have devoted their time. And I’ve even got a great writer to do the Foreword (maybe).
But I need your help. I cannot get this project off the ground without proper funding to pay for the artist, graphic designer, advertising and other needs. I’ve started a Kickstarterprogram to help you get involved with this project.
Even if you cannot assist financially in this project I would greatly appreciate your prayers. I believe that this project can impact many families. Pray for wisdom in writing and that the Lord would open up doors for this material as He sees fit. You can also help by sharing this post and encouraging others to get involved.
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