By my count, 12 motions were introduced. As it normal, most will get referred. Here they are.
1. Sam Fordham of Alabama moved the establishment of a new entity to promote evangelism and equipping.
Not gonna happen. We are not forming a new entity. Probably gets referred to EC and dies.
2. Wade Burleson of OK
Resurrected an old call to establish a sexual predator database. Again, not gonna happen. Referred.
3. Philip Bethancourt of TN.
Moves a task force to deal with abuse and predation issues, develop strategies, and report back to the 2019 convention
This will likely happen. Possibly a vote.
4. Marshall Osbury
The first of three motions to restrict public officials from speaking at the SBC
5. Ron Wilson of Alabama
Requested resignation of SWBTS executive committee trustees.
Out of order.
6. Jason Pamplenko
Another motion on the elected officials/Pence issue.
7. David Lewis
For the advocacy of pro-life. Referred.
8. Tom Hatley. Ark
Motion to dismiss the SWBTS Trustees’ Executive Committee. This will likely get referred but may have a floor fight.
9. Tim Overton
Request for some kind if training about moral failings and accountability.
10. Scott Gordon
Third motion on the elected official issue. Not sure how this will get handled.
11. Steve Bailey
Obligatory motion to make CP% mandatory in speeches nominating candidates. Out of order as always.
12. Lewis Richerson
Motion on unified trustee training Referred.
All of the motions were referred to the EC (almost all) or the appropriate entity except for
1. The Hatley motion to dismiss the trustees of the Executive Committee of SWBTS will be voted at 2:45 tomorrow.
This must be defeated by a 90-10 or greater majority.
2. Three motions were declared out of order because they were considered resolutions.
Ron Wilson.
David Lewis
Scott Gordon.