Friday, August 2, 2019, a friend of mine, one I had never met in real life but had grown to love through online contacts, found out what S.M. Lockridge meant when he said, “Sunday’s Coming.”
It is a bit weird, but many of my best friends are people that I met through blogging. One of those, a man I have known since my earliest days of commenting on other people’s blogs, is Dr. C.B. Scott. His hard-headedness matches the strength of his convictions and his integrity. I think I have argued more passionately (I’d call it angrily, but…) with him than just about anyone else in the blogging world, but we always forged through those kerfuffles. I sought him out at conventions and was always disappointed when he couldn’t come.
His integrity showed through when he stood strong against one of the most unethical episodes in Baptist life that occurred at Brewton Parker College a few years ago. Dr. Scott stood against lies, against people who abandoned principle, integrity, morality, and righteousness and allowed Christ to shine through him. It was not the first time he’d taken such principled stands. He is a true man of God.
With him always was his faithful wife Karen. It was during the Brewton Parker mess (and because of it) that I became friends with her online. She has been ill for a long time, confined to a wheelchair for many years. When C.B. could not attend the convention it was usually because he had to attend to her. She was a ray of sunshine, an encourager, had a quick wit, and was a true woman of God. I’m pretty sure she was smarter than C.B.
She loved the Alabama Crimson Tide almost as much as C.B. does, but nobody is perfect and in heaven, those kinds of fleshly things are forgotten!
On Friday night, Karen, after a long illness, found that Sunday had come. An obituary was posted on the Facebook page of the Enterprise Baptist Association where C.B. is the Associational Mission Strategist. You can read some of the facts there.
C.B. has been a frequent commenter here – he’s part of the Voices family. I hope you will pray for him in this time of loss. He’s been expecting it for a long time but that never makes this easy.
God bless you, C.B. We love you and we pray God will bless and comfort you and your family during this difficult time.
Sunday is coming, my friend.