National CP 4.45% ahead of projection
As of April 30, gifts received by the Executive Committee for distribution through the CP Allocation Budget through the first seven months of the convention’s fiscal year totaled $116,986,524.22. This total is $4,986,524.22 above the $112 million year-to-date budgeted amount to support SBC ministries globally and across North America and is $2,123,411.63 more than the $114,863,112.59 received through the end of April 2017.
Over two million ahead of actual gifts for the same period last fiscal year is pretty good. We are on track to show an overall increase this year (unless ________ happens, and you can fill in the blank) and I think we will do so. This in spite of the departure of Frank Page, a hotly contested presidential election, the continued demonization of Russ Moore and the ERLC by a segment of SBCers, the recent Patterson controversy.
A few things that might help the CP continue the small but welcome upward trajectory:
- state conventions continue on their track of giving more to the national CP
- the Executive Committee trustees make a wise decision in replacing Frank Page. If they get a guy who has the confidence of the various SBC sub-groups, the state leaders, etc., we could see a continuation of Page’s positive influence on CP.
- the IMB makes a wise decision on their new leader. A person who is not a celebrity and who has deep international experience would be the route to go I think.
A few things that might hurt the CP:
- more state convention leaders go highly partisan in the presidential election
- IMB and EC trustees go rogue on their CEO replacements
- people hunker down and start lobbing threats over the PP controversy
- some megapastor tries to hold the CP hostage…again
- more CP percentage shaming
- a thousand other things…and this is the problem: There are a few things that can help the CP but many things than can hurt.
There’s one more monthly report on the CP that the EC will make prior to the Annual Meeting in Dallas. It will still be positive giving Augie Boto something positive to talk about in his EC report.