We’re thrilled to announce that the music and worship times for all four 2017 Pastor’s Conference sessions will be led by Keith and Kristyn Getty.
We consider the Gettys the perfect fit for our conference vision: leading music that highlights corporate singing as our voices are lifted together and Scriptural truth through their fantastic hymn-writing abilities. As we’ve worked with Keith, Kristyn, and their team, we’ve been blessed by their humble spirits and desire to serve SBC pastors through the SBC Pastor’s Conference.
From the start we’ve made the focus of our conference the preaching of God’s Word. We chose the book of Philippians and have found 12 incredible preachers for the conference. Now to see the music come together with Keith and Kristyn Getty is an answer to prayer. We’re excited about Phoenix in June. We hope you’ll join us there and be a part of the 2017 SBCPC.
Latest release from Keith & Kristyn Getty: Facing a Task Unfinished also at iTunes Amazon