Louis is a frequent commenter and contributor here.
I know that most of the people who frequent this blog do not read some of the things that I read. It’s understandable. We all have only so much time.
Here is an article that I thought people here might find interesting.
This article was actually linked to the Federal Bar Association website, though it is not an FBA authored article. It is authored by Nina Totenberg and is written for NPR.
This NPR article will give SBC Voices readers a glimpse at some of the leading candidates for the Supreme Court vacancy. This is the fruit we see budding from the last election.
Appointing Justices to the Supreme Court must be the most imprecise and unpredictable enterprise. Even if the President is careful and intentional, he can never be certain what he is going to get.
It appears that President-elect Trump has identified some strong candidates whose thinking is in line with the majority of the people in this country.
I am familiar with some of the names on this list, but am not familiar with all of them.
I am hoping for a good pick from the President-elect. I am optimistic. Not only about this pick, but future picks, as well. This President is not afraid of a fight.
And I am hoping for a fair hearing from the Senate. Let’s hope that whomever the President-elect nominates that the nomination process will be as free as possible from harassment, manufactured scandal, and politics of personal destruction.