The IMB closed the books September 30th on the 2018-2019 Lottie Moon offering and the amount received was $156.6 million, down $2.3 million from last year. The drop was about 1.4%.
This was expected and budgeting was done accordingly leaving the IMB comfortably within their budget spending.
Still, it’s a disappointment not to see IMB’s main source of revenue increase, although $156.6 million is a huge sum.
I understand positive spin, thus the lack of any mention of a decline in the offering. The press on the offering emphasized that giving was more than what was budgeted and that the total was the third highest ever.
Leave it to some crotchety old dude in Georgia to tell it like it is: We gave less and there’s no excuse for doing this.
I give you the stern photograph of dear old Lottie. She is scowling and rightly so.
While I realize that the CaringWell conference is the big news of the week, one should never overlook our main mission offering.