The SEC will prove that the ACC’s crown in NCAA football was merely a pigskin interregnum. If so, we must prepare ourselves to be appropriately humble about it as befits our station in the football world. C. B. Scott told me to say that.
Alan Cross will venture into the 800-1,000 word article territory. Alan is the author here who is likely the most informed on the subjects on which he writes. He is the contributor who in my view should write much more here than his once-a-month on average.
Dave Miller, having left the Pastor’s Conference in a blaze of denominational glory (a “roaring success ” sayeth SBC This Week), will offer more wit and wisdom, less Yankees and Big 10, and about the same of his avuncular and engaging personality.
There will be no more Roy Moore, or Moore’s horse, or hat, or cat, or little gun.
Some of the long-in-the-tooth state convention and denominational leaders will retire or transition out of their present positions. While I have no specific criticism to offer here, I suspect that leadership generation younger will prove more healthy for our future.
We will have a disaster-free SBC Annual Meeting in torrid Dallas in June.
Both mission offerings, Lottie Moon and Annie Armstrong will have record years. Annie was at a record this year, Lottie last year. I would bet my personal cryptocurrency on it but not anything in dollars.
SBC Voices would find a way to have more articles by someone other than the regular folks. More articles, as well as comments, by women would be an improvement. Just my opinion.
J. D. Greear would announce early that he is willing to be nominated for SBC President.
Failing the above, someone other than a megapastor would run for, and win, the SBC presidency. It’s doable. On balance we have been mostly well-served by the megachurch presidents over the past 35 years or so but the idea that only the megabrethren are capable of this task is dangerous for our future. I can think of several large church or mid-mega pastors who would be splendid. I doubt a smaller church pastor, say under 200 in average weekly attendance has any chance.
The federal appeals court will rule on the merits of the challenge to the cash housing allowance and overturn the federal district court decision declaring it unconstitutional.
The SBC will show an increase in aggregate baptisms.
These words and phrases will disappear from SBC life: synergy, the CP as the sacred how, centering as it relates to prayer, awesome in any context, literally when it couldn’t possibly be literal, categorically when it isn’t categorical, totally (should demand the death penalty for this one), journey in any spiritual context, re-imagining; champion, especially Cooperative Program champion; season in an ecclesiastical context, especially new season of…whatever. The list is endless.
Less of Trump, Mueller, the FBI, Bannon, Schumer, Pelosi et al. Let my pastor brethren tell me how they like constant drama and melodrama in the church. An endless stream of such wears thin quickly. I’m not optimistic.
I’ll catch that 12 pound largemouth, or 3 pound crappie, or 29 inch saltwater trout, or 50 pound striper.