My top 12 ideas for church growth . . .as a pastor or consultant
- Expository preaching–focus on the product we are producing–believers who KNOW God’s Word inside and out. See the pastor’s role as quartermaster giving the believers the tools they need for the work of service. Equipping the saints for the work of ministry through the teaching of God’s Word.
- Authentic worship–worship will be solely focused on ushering the congregation into worship. Worship Team is focused on those with a calling and unique giftedness to lead worship. Realization is it not about us … our style, our clothes, our taste, our age, our preferences but on an audience of one, God alone. Less fireworks and more authenticity of worship leaders humbly ushering people to join them in worshipping God. Emphasis on a diversity of ages and people leading worship. Mix of music with a solid theological message and uplifting music. Use of as many instruments as members are gifted in using.
- Accessibility of pastor–strong accountability structure of Elders, involved give and take on social media, weekly blog, web Chats introducing sermons. Heavy focus on pastorate care and equipping and modeling to members how to care for others. Caring for the sick, comforting the mourning, and walking people through life is what God has called Christians to do.
- Active & Engaged Prayer team–prayer team active in praying over every seat, prayer walking in the community, praying for needs, and being known as a praying church for the hurts and concerns of others. Prayer Team will have a prominent place in the leadership of the church.
- Church very actively community engaged–giving people a chance to get engage in their community with the Gospel by serving them. Have the church KNOW and be KNOWN in the community. Adopting local schools, community clean ups, partnering with community foodbank non-profits, hands on ministry opportunities as a means to equip believers to be used by God and to be a witness to the unbelieving community.
- Discipleship is key–Being and building disciples is the heart of the church. Multiplying the ministry and modeling it on how Jesus discipled His disciples in small groups. Grow a mentoring ministry and challenge the senior adults to not leave this earth without passing along their Godly wisdom and faith to the younger generations.
- Ministry Team–ministers who are mature, experienced in brokenness, and are humble. Have been willing to set themselves apart to be equipped in ministry. Willing to stay the long haul and have longevity of staff. Create teams and allow them to be released to do the work of ministry.
- Social Media Authentic–not focus on “flash” but on accessibility of the ministry team, tribe engagement in God’s Word and how it applies to our lives, and over communication of the events and activities of the church. Conversations about the church, how God is working in the lives of the people, and authenticity of spirit shared openly on social media channels. Have a hashtag message of the week for the church which is communicated clearly through the social media channels. Take as many pictures and videos of members actively living out and testifying about their faith as possible to capture the spirit and message of the church.
- Financial Open book–finances are not kept a secret but are available and open to be reviewed by members. Remove even a hint of doubt and questions by giving quarterly financial reports. Nothing to hide.
- Celebrate Recovery–huge heart for recovery ministries which is a great model for the church. Seeking to partner and heal those in broken places. Love recovery groups–Realization we are all on an equal footing, honest about our brokenness, and open about our utter dependence on fellow believers.
- Aggressively Seeking Partnerships–seeking to partner with those who can assist us with furthering the Gospel. What other churches, what other civic groups, foodbanks, Boys & Girls Club, YMCA, what other non-profits can assist us in completing the work God has called our church to do?? Give believers the opportunity to experience and grow their faith through service opportunities. Allow ministry to be hands on and interactive.
- Less focus on buildings–money will be spent on furthering the gospel, not on building bigger buildings as a monument to ourselves. Discipleship held in homes, restaurants, YMCA, anywhere. Church building simply the place to gather as believers to worship and then be launched into the community as missionaries.
What are your thoughts?? Be sure to comment. I have served as a senior pastor to three different churches, served as a director at a seminary, served as an executive director of Prayer Igniters, and have been a consultant to a number of ministries.