…and that’s good news. It’s not up by much, 0.71%, but an increase and the third consecutive such increase has to be mildly encouraging to Southern Baptists. The CP total received by the Executive Committee was $197.1 million. The total CP, including the majority share that state conventions keep and do not forward to Nashville for distribution to the mission boards and seminaries, and other national SBC entities will be a little under $500 million. That figure is reported in June.
Baptist Press reports National CP ends fiscal year 4.31% over goal
Conservative national CP allocation budgeting meant that there is a surplus of $8.14 million. The Executive Committee has already voted to give $1.25 million to NAMB for disaster relief. The rest of the overage is divided among the entities except for the Executive Committee’s share. They voted to give that to the International Mission Board for international relief. Someone ought to check Frank Page’s temperature. It’s not normal for SBC executives to just give away money allocated to them. This is another reason to like our SBC day-to-day CEO.
Designated giving to the EC was down $13.3 million. Almost all of that can be accounted for by the lower Lottie Moon offering this year that followed the record 2015 offering that was motivated by IMB’s missionary reduction and budget balancing efforts.
It wasn’t said in the EC’s report but part of the reason that the national CP is increasing, however slightly, is as a result of some major state conventions reducing their percentage of CP receipts.
Talk about the CP dying is nonsense. It has declined steadily over the past generation or so but is still a huge funding engine.