David Platt gave a little preview when meeting with state baptist paper editors, some of whom are critical of his recent actions.
Platt asks state paper editors to encouage unity
Gleaned from the address as BP reported it:
1. Numbers for the Hand Raising opportunity will be given next week at the IMB trustee meeting. We should have a good feel for total numbers in both the earlier VRI and now the HRO.
2. Platt explained the elimination of the Richmond communications department. Bluntly put, they were not needed. The function had not advanced with the digital mindset, etc etc. My commentary is that we have an IMB to reach the world, primarily through overseas workers, not to have a lot of jobs in Richmond where nice things are done. There’s a lot of corporate speak in Platt’s address on this but “not needed” sums it up. State paper editors are sensitive to like jobs being eliminated, but then their jobs are being propped up by cp money while readership has been falling and subscription revenues have collapsed.
3. This is IMB inside baseball, not secret but just not widely understood. IMB’s GC2 program lets churches put their own people on the field with IMB assistance and coordination. I’ve never seen numbers on this but DP saisd 14 churches are involved in this way and their CP and LMCO offerings “strong.” These 14 churche have increased their CP and LM giving. The fear is that direct involvement with IMB would cause such churches to bypass the two denominational offerings.
DP, IMB, and all involved have my prayers.