For more info, here is the link to the BP article.
1) This should come as a surprise to those who thought there was some kind of pressure to force an agenda on everyone. They studied the issue and came up with what they think is a “win/win.” Reasonable folks without an agenda came to a reasonable decision.
2) When you see the wide range of Baptist leaders who support this (Al Mohler, Paige Patterson – about as far apart on Baptist issues as you can get) it has a good chance to pass.
3) The name will not be a legal change or even a dba. It’s an informal nickname – not sure exactly what to call it.
4) I like it. If it passes, I’m guessing churches south of the Mason-Dixon line will be SBC as always. I’m guessing we here at SHBC will go with “Great Commission Baptists.” It tells who we are.
5) This seems like the best solution for the sake of unity. Of course, many will find fault, but no one got everything they wanted and everyone got something. Those who don’t like the name Southern have something to use in its place, but those who love to whistle Dixie as they find their seats in church can rest comfortably as well. Everyone wins, and in a sense I guess, no one wins.
I’ve been guessing publicly that the solution would be something like this. Great Commission Baptists and no legal change. But I want to make it clear that I had not a single inside source anywhere. It was just a guess that turned out to be correct. Most of my prognostication through the years has been extremely untrustworthy.