Jonathan Whitehead is unlikely to win a popularity vote among SBCV people but his words on the current controversy over a brief filed by lawyers for the SBC, SBCEC, Lifeway, and SBTS regarding a Kentucky case should be read. I've always found his writing to be incisive and well informed. Excerpts from his American Reformer article: Many Baptists have understood the SBC abuse reform effort in terms of brochures, websites, and trainings about how churches can prevent grooming and abuse. But the brief brouhaha highlights the area of “caring well” or “responding to abuse victims,” which can … [Read more...] about Sober view on the amici controversy
Statement from Leaders, Advisors, and Advocates in the Southern Baptist Convention
The following statement was released to media outlets earlier today and is reposted here. _____ Statement from Leaders, Advisors and Advocates in the Southern Baptist Convention. As individuals who have worked alongside the Southern Baptist Convention in abuse reform or held positions of past or current leadership in the Convention related to abuse reform, we come together to express our deep grief at the Amicus Brief filed on behalf of the Convention, Lifeway Publishing, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and the SBC Executive Committee, opposing the application of sexual … [Read more...] about Statement from Leaders, Advisors, and Advocates in the Southern Baptist Convention
SBC Sexual Abuse Survivors Joint Statement 2023
The following statement was released by Megan Lively, Jules Woodson and Tiffany Thigpen and is reposted here unedited with permission. As survivors who have chosen to continue in a role actively engaged with members of the EC, ARITF, and others within the SBC, with the goal of reform, we are sickened and saddened to be burned yet again by the actions of the SBC against survivors. We are releasing this joint statement to stand against the continued measures of destruction chosen by those in leadership to actively detonate any and all measures of justice that are rightfully ours as victims of … [Read more...] about SBC Sexual Abuse Survivors Joint Statement 2023
The Cooperation Group/Lifeway survey on the Cooperative Program: Anything of value to come from it?
Jared Wellman and the SBC Cooperation Group is doing a survey. Lifeway Research is collaborating in this and all SBC churches with an email address receive the survey. [As an aside, I get a malware notice from my security software on Windows but not on my iPad.] Here is the survey and how I would have answered as pastor of the church from which I retired. The survey asks for answers on a scale from "strongly disagree" to "don't know". I'm not a survey expert and don't know why the choice was negatives first followed by the positives. _____ The Cooperative Program supports SBC … [Read more...] about The Cooperation Group/Lifeway survey on the Cooperative Program: Anything of value to come from it?
Blackface and expelling the lowly offensive church
It's stunningly stupid that in the 21st century any church or individual would not recognize that white people using black theatrical makeup to portray any African American is highly offensive. But, one Oklahoma church pastor did (8 years ago, when Obama was president) just that. The mostly dysfunctional SBC Executive Committee recently expelled the church. Here's what I don't like about that: It looks like a case of a stubborn pastor, not a racist church. The pastor should have said about the 2015 incident, "Yeah. That was dumb. I apologize for it." He doubled down instead. So, a … [Read more...] about Blackface and expelling the lowly offensive church
Pondering Preaching
A Tweet I read the other day got me to thinking about preaching. On X (formerly Twitter) a preacher posted that as a young preacher, he was advised to study one hour for each minute he preached. In the thread that followed, most disagreed with that advice, as do I. A disclaimer here—I am not a preaching professor. I majored in missions in my PhD studies, and I’ve taught mainly missions and evangelism. However, I have taught preaching several times, and I’ve been preaching for fifty years. So, here are some random thoughts and opinions about preaching. How long should you study in … [Read more...] about Pondering Preaching
Have “the terms of our [cooperative] agreement changed?”…and other important SBC questions.
If you like turmoil, rancor, disasters, and train should be enjoying SBC life right now. But...a glimmer of optimism appears. Is the Cooperation Group too little, too late? Cooperation Group named by Barber. Our president, Texas cattle baron and beleaguered Cardinal fan, Bart Barber said: “These declarations that churches are not in friendly cooperation and these appeals in response to those declarations represent a change in the fundamental processes by which we cooperate with one another,” “Within our Convention exists a widespread sentiment that the terms of the … [Read more...] about Have “the terms of our [cooperative] agreement changed?”…and other important SBC questions.
Scatter Shooting, Part 9
Scatter shooting while wondering why Alabama’s mascot is an elephant, but the team is called The Crimson Tide. Perhaps C. B. Scott can enlighten us. We should strive to be good stewards in both life and death. Every adult should have a will. Your state Baptist foundation or the Southern Baptist Foundation can advise you and point you to a Christian attorney. Beyond that, you can designate that a percentage of your life insurance or retirement account be given to a church, Christian organization, or institution. For example, my wife and I have designated that 10 percent of our Guidestone … [Read more...] about Scatter Shooting, Part 9
In what universe do immoral pastors get standing ovations and faithful women staff pastors are “sisters living in disobedience”?
Now the overseer is to be above reproach, faithful to his wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable... He must also have a good reputation with outsiders, That would be the universe of our Grand Convention, proudly Southern Baptists, and doggone the critics we will slog onward whatever the insanity. I cannot provide the mindset of Southern Baptist women, since my pronouns are "he," "him," and occasionally "jerk," but I'm taking a risk that our recent experiences with amending the SBC constitution to target any woman who fills a job with the title of "pastor/elder/overseer" has set the … [Read more...] about In what universe do immoral pastors get standing ovations and faithful women staff pastors are “sisters living in disobedience”?
Q&A: Southern Seminary’s Slave Contribution Memorial Marker
My answers below are a broader version concerning the plaque posted in the lobby of Broadus Chapel in remembrance of the enslaved whose exploitation of their labor funded the early years of Southern Baptist Seminary. The questions are from Andy Wolfson, a longtime reporter in Louisville at the Courier Journal. My answers address the plaque and a discussion in Word & Way of whether Southern Baptist Theological Seminary has fulfilled its pledge to erect a "major marker" on the campus which acknowledges the sin of American slavery and the contributions made to the seminary by enslaved Black … [Read more...] about Q&A: Southern Seminary’s Slave Contribution Memorial Marker