If you have followed our discussions here at SBC Voices, it will come as no surprise that I have a significantly different view of recent SBC events than my friends and fellow-contributors, Howell Scott and Rick Patrick. I thought the GCR, while certainly not perfect, was an important and necessary step in refocusing our convention on our real purpose - to bring the gospel to the world. Howell and Rick are (let's just say) less enthusiastic about the GCR. Howell has consistently expressed concern about what he styles as a "radical redefinition" of the fabric of the SBC. Rick has been … [Read more...] about Hey Howell and Rick: I Agree with You (Sometimes)!
Eye-to-eye with J. D. Greear on the Cooperative Program (by William Thornton)
The SBC Plodder comes out of retirement to bless us again with his insights! Sixtysomething retired micropastor Plodder and thirtysomething megapastor J. D. Greear see the Cooperative Program in remarkably, or frighteningly, similar terms. Greear, something of a rock star among younger SBCers has a blog article up on Southeastern seminary’s blog site Between The Times: Our Church, The SBC, and the Cooperative Program Greear states plainly that he appreciates the Cooperative Program but identifies the main problem with it as being the reality that “so much of what is given to the CP … [Read more...] about Eye-to-eye with J. D. Greear on the Cooperative Program (by William Thornton)
Defining Godly Humor
It is odd that humor, something that is so much a part of our lives today, is talked about so little in the Bible. There are some who have deduced from that fact and the awesome holiness of God that humor is somehow inappropriate in Kingdom work. Some have advocated that humor should not be a part of preaching, that it is somehow offensive to God and destructive to his glory. But we live in a culture in which humor is ever-present: late-night talk shows, TV, movies, - it is everywhere. In fact, humor has become a moral value in America. I have heard a program or movie that is sexually … [Read more...] about Defining Godly Humor
Jedi Council: Advice for Church Funding Requests
After recently taking my 9 year-old cousin to see Star Wars: The Phantom Menace 3D for his birthday, I've decided to pretend that our SBC Voices comment club is our own version of the Jedi Council and to do a few posts asking for wise, sage, and Yoda-like counsel. To quote Yoda himself, "Up to you it is if happen such wise counsel will." : Let me begin with a disclaimer: I fully admit that I am asking these questions because of direct and personal benefit I hope to receive from the answers provided. As discussed in a previous post , our family is preparing to move to Queens, New York to … [Read more...] about Jedi Council: Advice for Church Funding Requests
Restoring Southern Baptist Polity
The Southern Baptist Convention must restore the practice of traditional congregational polity, especially when it comes to the creation, staffing and reporting of our leadership structures. With each passing year, we have grown more complacent in our commitment to congregational polity, having practically surrendered to a style of church government more suited for elders and bishops than congregationalists. In each example below, I will first state a principle of leadership I consider to be consistent with traditional Baptist practice. I will then offer one example to show how this … [Read more...] about Restoring Southern Baptist Polity
The Danger of Not Letting the Text Speak
Sometimes we are told that we cannot come to Christ unless the Father draws us, that without Christ we can do nothing, and that if we live, it is not we, but Christ who lives in us. Now these views tend to hide pride from man, to create a diffidence of ourselves, and to center our hopes and dependence on Christ; but lest the slothful and wicked servant should make his impotence his excuse, we are called upon to turn and make ourselves new hearts; we are exhorted to ask and we shall receive; and we are assured that God will give the Spirit to them who ask Him…(John Jennings, Christian Pastor’s … [Read more...] about The Danger of Not Letting the Text Speak
How to pray for your pastor
As a pastor, one of the greatest encouragements is to hear the words “I’m praying for you.” Truly, one of the great blessings of being a pastor is knowing that prayers are being lifted up on your behalf. Often, people ask how they can be praying for me. While there are particular needs that I have from time to time, here are some prayers for pastors that are always in season: Pray that we stay vitally connected to the Lord in our personal devotion. Like everyone else, the tendency is for people is to drift. Pray that we would maintain a constant fellowship with the Lord, day by day, hour by … [Read more...] about How to pray for your pastor
Maybe we hate Calvinism because we don’t understand it.
I have been reading a lot of blogs, and I have been reading a lot of opinions on Calvinism, and it seems to me, most people tend to despise what they hear and don't really get. I don't mean to sound condescending, but I think it's becoming a prejudice, we all band together to despise something we don't understand. It's sort of human nature. I have come to the point that I have stopped describing myself as a Calvinist, because people automatically make assumptions about me. That I don't do evangelism (I wrote a book of evangelism) and that I don't want to do church plants. I don't share … [Read more...] about Maybe we hate Calvinism because we don’t understand it.
Surprising Global Opportunities
In a town across the waters live members of one of the world’s largest unreached people groups. In the past 20 years, their population in this city has grown from about 8,000 to around 60,000. While their home country’s political situation is tumultuous, in this new city there is stability and religious/political freedom, including the freedom for missionaries to preach the Gospel to them. Like many other people groups in large cities, they have clustered in several major neighborhoods and have assimilated in a variety of professions, from doctors to taxi drivers. This people group is the … [Read more...] about Surprising Global Opportunities
We have ADS on this site?
In the wake of the latest set of arguments about whether Calvinists have been here, are being here, or evermore shall be here, I was reading a few blog posts on the issue. Naturally, I read here, since I am supposedly a contributor here and will get co-blamed for anything that happens at this site. Then, I moved on to read a few other Southern Baptist blogs to catch up on any other view point. I clicked over to Peter Lumpkins' website at SBCTomorrow and noticed something in the comment stream after one of his posts. An individual brought up an advertisement they had seen here at SBCVoices. … [Read more...] about We have ADS on this site?