In North Africa in the early 4th century, a presumably theological point of contention morphed into a ecclesiological debate that ultimately split the church in that area. Yawn. The issue behind it all related to Christians who had crumbled during one of the more recent rounds of persecution; specifically, church leaders who turned over copies of the Scriptures to the authorities for burning. Once the persecution ceased, the church had to decide what to do with these traditores of the faith. One group (the laxists) encouraged the church to respond gracefully, forgiving these lapsed … [Read more...] about IMB’s Baptismal Policy and 4th Century Schismatics
Time to Disc It Up
Out here on the Arkansas Grand Prairie, we've finished up this year's harvest. The soybeans are cut, the rice is at the mill, and the corn's gone to the river. It's now time to start doing a little field work to get ready for next year. Some farms will get this done and get wheat in the ground, while others will flood fields to grow a lucrative crop: duck hunters from the city. (Duck hunters from the city is a prized crop for winter time in these parts.) Most everyone right now, though, is out in the fields with a tractor, discing up the ground. The discs cut up the stubble that remains … [Read more...] about Time to Disc It Up
Is God a Narcissist?
I was talking with a student one day, that the most important thing in all of creation is that it reflects and gives God glory. In the dialogue I stated that is the most important thing is to give God glory, than God also does good by bringing Glory to Himself. The student replied "is God narcissistic?" That is an honest question from a student's vantage point. My gut reaction was "no, God is not a human and is not flawed, so it's glory He should get because He deserves all of it. That question however, took me to a larger train of thought. How do we usually look at God? Do we try to … [Read more...] about Is God a Narcissist?
Defenders who Destroy? An Association’s Sad Decision
At their annual meeting, held October 17-18, the Daviess-McLean Baptist Association in Kentucky voted 104-9 to withhold fellowship from Pleasant Valley Community Church in Owensboro. The Western Recorder has reported the action and given the primary reason for the action as the fact that the church was "too Calvinistic." Associated Baptist Press also covered the story, mostly based on the story from the Western Recorder. Sadly, Baptist Press has not covered the story. The facts do not seem to be in dispute. The association brought no charges of heresy against Pleasant Valley. They did … [Read more...] about Defenders who Destroy? An Association’s Sad Decision
The Convention’s Unconventional Name Change
Quick: what's the longest name in all of North American professional sports? No cheating, googling, etc. Just sit on your answer for me; we'll come back to it. As I've watched the lively debate surrounding the potential for a name change in the SBC, I've had to admit a certain apathy. In many ways, it mattered not to me how we organized the letters that form our identifying nomenclature, so the convention's name was off my radar. Then, of course, I realized it really did matter to me; there are certain words I to which I certainly would object (satan, hate, platypus, Calvinist, … [Read more...] about The Convention’s Unconventional Name Change
Feel Better about NAMB? (by William Thornton)
(Our friend the SBC Plodder gave me permission to republish this reflection on the recent workings at NAMB. Thanks, William.) Our North American Mission Board has been the closest thing to a completely dysfunctional agency that Southern Baptists have ever had. Well, let's go ahead and say that NAMB has absolutely been dysfunctional for most of the 21st century. Informed SBCers, even those who love to argue anything and everything, will likely not argue that point. Along came the Great Commission Resurgence Task Force and report and, more than any other SBC entity, NAMB was singled out for … [Read more...] about Feel Better about NAMB? (by William Thornton)
When God Seems Distant
I’ve had several people in my church come to me recently at different times but with the same issue: “I feel like I’m just going through the motions, and when I pray or read my Bible nothing is there. I’m not sure anymore if I’m even a Christian.” It’s those difficult moments where the God who has spoken and the God who is personal and near suddenly seems like the God who is so distant. We’ve likely all experienced those times—those spiritual valleys where we feel as if we’re alone, and no amount of prayer seems to break the depression. So, of course, it becomes easy to question and to … [Read more...] about When God Seems Distant
McMarriage Counseling
Thinking about what to write today, my wife suggested I write something lighter since my last few essays were heavy-duty. Wives are great for reading us husbands, aren’t they? Oftentimes I’m slow to recognize what my wife has known for a long time. Yesterday was a perfect example of this. We were home and I went to check myself in a mirror. As I was taming a wild hair I had an epiphany. “You know,” I said, turning to around to her. “You’re right. You really are blessed to have me as your husband.” I could tell by her face that I surprised her. I’m not sure what the rolling of her eyes … [Read more...] about McMarriage Counseling
Name Change Suggestion: How about “Ephesus Baptist Convention?”
I wonder what name our Lord and Savior would give to the Southern Baptist Convention? I've spent a lot of time in recent years studying and teaching from Revelation 2 and 3, the seven letters to the seven churches of Asia Minor. I'm going to give you my opinion, and you can take it for what it is worth. As I look at the SBC, the church at Ephesus in Revelation 2 comes to mind. Would Jesus call us the "Ephesus Baptist Convention?" Jesus described the church at Ephesus in very complimentary terms in verses 2-3. I know your works, your toil and your patient endurance, and how you cannot … [Read more...] about Name Change Suggestion: How about “Ephesus Baptist Convention?”
Fun With Task Forces
My first experience with task forces came 25 years ago while I was a Resident Assistant at the University of Texas. The Director of Residence Hall Housing selected several RA's to serve on a task force addressing, if I recall, the subject of vandalism. We met a few times, made suggestions, shot most of them down and never really did anything. I was later informed by someone in the know that our task force was formed so the Director could say, whenever the subject came up: "I have formed a task force to look into this problem." It sounds decisive, no? A entire "force" of people were … [Read more...] about Fun With Task Forces