motorDeath comes easily in some places. As a general rule, the world is deadly. There are some locales, though, where death is a constant companion. Living is simply what people do while waiting to die. Death is closer than God, and has more explanations for its existence. In Port Au Prince, Haiti, if the earthquake didn’t get you, the cholera will. Or perhaps the mounds of garbage, left to rot by a municipality that lacks waste management plans, will lead to some sort of infection. The poverty could help in shuffling off this mortal coil; then again the limited access to medicine … [Read more...] about Who Are We to Teach Hope?
Missing the Point by Magnifying the Gospel? Problems with Gospel-Centered Terminology
Sometimes, I love an unorthodox approach and Alan Cross published one a few weeks ago. It spurred my thinking on an issue that's been roiling around in my brain since I attended the Band of Bloggers meeting a while back. I know I'm going to come across as way more confrontational and critical than I want to, but there is a key issue at stake here. My goal here is not so much to correct as to fine-tune and refine. Alan Cross is one of those bloggers who consistently makes me jealous, leaving me to think “I wish I’d said that.” In a post with a title that would make any good Baptist gasp, … [Read more...] about Missing the Point by Magnifying the Gospel? Problems with Gospel-Centered Terminology
SBC Voices and sbcIMPACT! are Joining Forces. Welcome to Our New Contributors
It is with a mixture of joy and sadness that I make this announcement. The contributors at sbcIMPACT have decided to deactivate regular posting on that site - one of the SBC's best blogs in the four years it has been in operation. Their name was also a description - those writers made an impact on the life of the SBC. That's the sad part. Now the happy time! The writers from sbcIMPACT are going to join forces with SBC Voices and become part of our writing team. While they may not have the time to maintain the regular posting schedule at IMPACT, they still have lots to say. So, we will … [Read more...] about SBC Voices and sbcIMPACT! are Joining Forces. Welcome to Our New Contributors
The Lengthening Shadow of Pro-Gay Theology
For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. -- I Timothy 4:3-4 SPOILER ALERT: Pro-gay theology is untrue. I remember a time, way back in the '70s, when I had an ah-hah moment and it seemed obvious to me that the people around me -- especially my fellow Christians -- had somehow avoided the truth about homosexuality. Out of their in-bred squeamishness … [Read more...] about The Lengthening Shadow of Pro-Gay Theology
Are We Simply the Sum of Our Sins?
This was originally composed in March 2011. Enjoy. I went to the town of Puyo last week for the third time. It reminded me that I'd like to introduce you to a new friend. The first thing you'll notice about my pal Carlos is how shockingly skinny he is. Wow. If he stood sideways and stuck out his tongue, he would look like a zipper. If you put a quarter in his left hand and a dime in his right, he'd lose his balance. The second thing you'll observe is that Carlos is quite homosexual. If you watch a little longer, you'll see that he is probably more so than you originally … [Read more...] about Are We Simply the Sum of Our Sins?
I’m Ba-a-a-ack!
After a trip to Galena, Illinois with my wife, then a solo trip from Sioux City to Cedarville, Ohio, to Lynchburg, Virginia, to Cedarville to Boston to Cedarville (because my daughter left her purse in my car) and back to Sioux City, I am ready to return to action as a pastor and a blogger. I have some exciting news about the future of SBC Voices which I will be announcing in the next few days. I have a difficult decision to make. I forgot my razor when I left town 10 days ago, so I grew a beard. I, of course, look dashing, but there is a problem. My last beard was a) a flattering … [Read more...] about I’m Ba-a-a-ack!
Accountability Ain’t Easy…but we got to have it!
Are you weary, are you heavy-hearted? Tell it to Jesus, Tell it to Jesus; Are you grieving over joys departed? Tell it to Jesus alone. Tell it to Jesus, Tell it to Jesus, He is a friend that’s well known; You’ve no other such a friend or brother Tell it to Jesus alone. --Tell it to Jesus, words by Jeremiah E. Rankin Having grown up with the Baptist Hymnal (various editions), I remember singing this song a lot. And I remember liking it too—after all, it has an upbeat tune that’s catchy. Yet, now as a pastor who has come to consider words more important than catchy … [Read more...] about Accountability Ain’t Easy…but we got to have it!
Please Don’t Go There
Having just listened to part of Russell Moore's sermon on rebranding, linked on SBC Voices, for which comments were closed, I am compelled to respond. Once again, the issue of our name change is being framed by Baptist leaders as a response to the despicable slavery and racism of our past, for which we have already publicly repented as a denomination. Problems exist with the use of this line of reasoning to promote a name change. I beg my fellow Southern Baptists not to take us down this road, for I believe in my heart that it will result in our greater embarrassment and serve no lofty … [Read more...] about Please Don’t Go There
Get To’s and Got To’s
For twenty years I did computer support in corporate America. I was privileged to work at some of the best companies in the world. I was getting paid to do what I loved. Not only that, I can think of dozens of opportunities I had to experience insanely fun things. Early in my career I was working a trade show—which in themselves were always a blast to work at—when Bill Gates walked by me. He was surrounded by brick walls in suits as he made his way across the trade show floor. That was the early 1990s, a wild time in the history of the industry; it was exciting just to see him. Looking … [Read more...] about Get To’s and Got To’s
Comfort As Evangelism?
Juana hangs out in Plaza Bolivar, in front of the birthplace of South America's liberator. Caracas is not an extremely picturesque city as compared to, say, Prague, nor is it filled with centuries of cathedrals and places of historical note. The city's greatest claim to history is Simon Bolivar's house, or at least the one his mother occupied when he was born. It is restored and painted now, converted into a museum. Directly in front of the home lies Plaza Bolivar. The plaza is not large; being lined as it is by small stores, internet cafes, and copy shops only makes it appear more … [Read more...] about Comfort As Evangelism?