Calvinism is never far from the front pages in the Southern Baptist Convention. It is a crucial topic and one of the hardest to discuss in a calm and productive manner. On September 15, I published an article saying that any future discussions of Calvinism here would have to be productive, not derisive.
That is a hard thing to manage, and more than a few of you will think today that I violated my commitment on the subject. But we cannot be “SBC Voices” without addressing the subject that is at the root of much of the SBC’s splintering.
So, today we will be talking Calvinism all day – one post from a Calvinist, one from a non-Calvinist, and pieces about both the Kentucky association and about Al Mohler’s statement from 2010 about New Calvinism that is stirring up controversy. It should be a busy day.
November 8, 2011 is All-Calvinism, All the Time!
Passions will be high, but I am hoping we will discuss the topics in a reasoned way. If your side is right in this, prove that by your grace, joy, patience, kindness and love in carrying on the debate, as well as your insightful argument! Return good for evil! Demonstrate love for your (hermeneutical and theological) enemy!
Should be an interesting day at SBC Voices.