I find myself in a quandary about politics. I have strong views about politics, but I am also committed to not letting politics become the focus of the church. Our job is to proclaim the gospel, not to achieve political power. And I try not to make political views a requirement of fellowship in the church. But I don't understand how Christians can vote for candidates who support abortion. I just don't get it. I am hoping that some of you Democrats (or liberal Republicans or whatever) out there will help me understand your political thought-process. I made a commitment over 30 years … [Read more...] about Can Someone Explain Pro-Abortion, Christian Voting?
Observations and Questions for “Old-Earthers” and Theistic Evolutionists
Anthony Russo's recent post about theistic evolution has been an active thread - the discussion of origins strikes a note in us. I am taking my break pretty seriously, so I won't write one of my normal tomes here, just a few observations and questions about the subject. I am assuming here that this is a discussion between those who have the highest view of scripture, who believe that the Bible is God's Word to us without mixture of error and is our absolute guide and rule for all things. Obviously, those who hold a lower view of scripture will not be inclined to think these kind of … [Read more...] about Observations and Questions for “Old-Earthers” and Theistic Evolutionists
How Sensitive Are Our Souls?
I wrote this back in early June while we were still in Ecuador. Enjoy. Last week Zachary missed his first school days of the year. Coughing, hacking, dizziness, fever; he tolerated it all quite well, for a 10-year old. As usually happens when he is home without his siblings, Zach wanted to watch a movie with me. He's like that; "Just the two of us," he says. We settled in to watch a movie I had already seen and approved for his viewing. My only real concern was the 5 or so cuss words that I knew came up during the flick; however, I was sure Z had already heard them all. Besides, … [Read more...] about How Sensitive Are Our Souls?
Inquiring Minds
As most parents will tell you , there are moments in life that are somewhat disturbing when you have kids. These are not exactly frightening moments, and yet they are times when the heart skips half a beat, when you slowly close your eyes and very carefully ask for clarification. Sort of like when my ninth grade English teacher used to grasp the edges of her podium so tightly her knuckles would crack and ask me, “Jeremy, does your mother love you?” For me, I think these moments sometimes center on the questions our children ask. We don’t always know why they ask us these things or where … [Read more...] about Inquiring Minds
Why Do I Read the Bible?
This was originally published about a month ago on my blog, but I thought I would share it with you. I got to share it as a devotional on a Wednesday night recently too. I love helping folks foster an ever-deepening appreciation for God's Word. How about you, why do you read the Bible? Leave a comment! -AR One of the arguments Christians will cite for the Bible being the only book that really is the “Word of God” is its uniqueness compared to any other literature, ancient or modern. I thought of this when I was reading through Psalm 19 this morning. Psalm 19 was written to declare the … [Read more...] about Why Do I Read the Bible?
Building a Bridge out of Brokenness
“I cannot stress this enough to you, but I'll still say it: I'll never be Christian. I think your Bible is nothing more than a piece of literature. I don't believe in your God, and never will. But I will criticize you when you use your God to "fix" homosexuality, as if it were something to be fixed.” -- An anonymous young friend “Broken does not seem like something Jesus would want us to say.” -- Comment in on-line Christian Group When you raise five children, you hear the words “It’s broken” way too often. Favorite toys, bird’s wings, Christmas ornaments, bats, even cars, are … [Read more...] about Building a Bridge out of Brokenness
5 books you should read (or re-read).
So I want to share with you the books I think are essential to read (other than the Bible. No one say "you forgot the Bible", cause I didn't). These are great books and will help you in your ministry. 1. Peacemaker by Ken Sande. You need it. Enough said. 2. Brothers, We are Not Professionals by John Piper. 3. Simple Church by Rainer and Eric Geiger. You know what I'm talking about. Stop filling up your calendar, just do what you are suppose to do. That leads me to: 4. Real Life Discipleship. This is how you do what you are suppose to do. 5. The Kingdom Focused Church by Gene Mims. Great … [Read more...] about 5 books you should read (or re-read).
NAMB Missionary Maligned at Boise State University
This past week one of our own made the headlines, but not for what you might think. The student voice of Boise State University, The Arbiter, posted an article on its website entitled "Boise State is No Place for Hate" about Shawn Holes, aka "Shawn the Baptist", and his recent evangelistic visit to the campus. Shawn and his wife Lisa are Mission Service Corps missionaries with the North American Mission Board. Shawn crisscrosses the nation visiting college campuses and other venues to share the Gospel through open-air preaching and one-on-one conversations. Using emotionally-charged … [Read more...] about NAMB Missionary Maligned at Boise State University
Wm. Dwight McKissic, Sr: “THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND THE SBC – Regarding a proposed name change for the SBC”
(Wm Dwight McKissic, Sr. is the Senior Pastor of Cornerstone Baptist Church in Arlington, Texas. We are always thrilled to post his articles.) President Bryant Wright has appointed a self-funded blue ribbon advisory committee, authorized by the Executive Committee to provide counsel to him as he prayerfully weighs recommending to the SBC in her Annual Session upcoming in New Orleans, a proposed name change of our beloved convention. I commend President Wright for his thoughtful, deliberate and considerate proposal. I wholeheartedly agree with the spirit, letter, advisory committee and … [Read more...] about Wm. Dwight McKissic, Sr: “THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND THE SBC – Regarding a proposed name change for the SBC”
Returning to the Seat of the Crime
There’s a chair across the room from me that I fear. Or hate. It’s pretty non-descript. As a furniture piece, it adds character to a room simply due to its age. Designed and built over 70 years ago, the thing just looks different from its surroundings. It is now an addendum to the décor, something to spice up an entry way or flesh out a den; its days as the centerpiece of a collection have long since passed. It used to be my chair. I sat in it every day. I watched TV there. Drank coffee there. Read the newspaper and college textbooks, too. Fell asleep, slumped over at an … [Read more...] about Returning to the Seat of the Crime