In light of the most recent controversy surrounding SBC Voices, the editorial staff convened an emergency meeting to revise our policies. As this meeting progressed, some deeper issues came to light. We must now disclose a painful truth to our readers. Matt Svoboda and Dave Miller are not real people. They are merely projections of Tony Kummer's subconscious. They were invented as an outlet for his personal disappointment and feeling of powerlessness in regard to his once beloved denomination. The entire situation closely mirrors the situation in Fight Club and the character of Tyler … [Read more...] about Tyler Durden & the Truth about SBC Voices
Christian Marriage: A Model for Surviving the Future (by Jerry Corbaley)
Jerry Corbaley lives in Hawaii and blogs at "Think the Thoughts?" This article first appeared there. Yes, I am also unhappy with what the United States is doing in regard to defining marriage. Yes, I am glad that many are working politically against the trend of redefinition. Yet, Christians are still free to emphasize God’s purpose of marriage. Why wait until the concept of ‘marriage’ is further maimed within our culture? Perhaps we could equip our congregations with what is right in God’s eyes whether the culture ever agrees or not. I wonder, should we ignore the need for our … [Read more...] about Christian Marriage: A Model for Surviving the Future (by Jerry Corbaley)
The Importance of Theological Triage (by Ed Goodman)
(Ed Goodman writes an excellent blog called "Living with Fire" - well worth regular reading.) It is both a privilege and a challenge to witness the events taking place in the Kingdom of God worldwide in what SBC President Bryant Wright calls "the Golden Age of Theological Education" for our denomination. Today, seminary graduates are biblically astute, extremely well-versed in systematic theology, and amazingly adept at articulating their theological convictions. These graduates almost always affirm two foundational concepts: 1) the Bible is the inspired, infallible, and inerrant Word of … [Read more...] about The Importance of Theological Triage (by Ed Goodman)
Five Questions with…an IMB Missionary Kid
This is the first in a series of posts. I’ll be interviewing people associated with IMB, whether current field workers, Richmond leaders, or people recently departed from the organization. For the most part, I will not divulge the names or locations of these folks. Many of them work in difficult spots and eschew the spotlight as a result. I’ll start frivolously and move right into the questions. Today’s guest is an adult MK (missionary kid) who grew up in Ecuador. I found our guest, Jim Shortz, at a florist shop purchasing roses while eating potatoes. Ecuador exports millions of … [Read more...] about Five Questions with…an IMB Missionary Kid
Five Things I Think I Think (by Rick Patrick)
Editor's Note: Rick Patrick is a frequent commenter here. He sometimes commits the unpardonable sin of disagreeing with me, but he always writes well and makes a clear point. I'm dying to see which of his five points is going to get the most discussion here today. These random opinions jump around. Fortunately, like the best things in life, they are free. If you don’t like one of them, don’t buy it. Or better yet, tell me why I’m an idiot, or as we say in our Christian vocabulary, “Share the truth in love.” 1. Church hoppers should be forced to wear a “Scarlet H” on their … [Read more...] about Five Things I Think I Think (by Rick Patrick)
Modification and Motive
Originally posted at Modern March There is a significant difference between teaching motive and teaching behavioral modification. For example: A husband is asked by his wife to help her clean the dishes and he refuses. After some arguing, he says, “FINE! I’ll do the dishes!” His wife is flabbergasted by his response and replies, “Nevermind…” The husband, of course, then becomes agitated that she no longer wants his help after all the fuss she made over it. His wife simply replies, “I want you to want to do the dishes.” The wife does not want her husband to offer a hand because she begged … [Read more...] about Modification and Motive
Evidently, This Man Did Not Like Obama
Mohler on Alcohol
Alcohol&Ministry.mp3 Dr. Mohler, Dr. Moore and others discuss the Southern Seminary view 0f alcohol. This is an hour long. You are welcome to listen to it and respond to what was said. If you don't listen, don't discuss. It's pretty simple. Its one of the most biblically sound and balanced treatments of the subject I've heard. As always, bravo Dr. Mohler. I am not going to give my view of the presentation because I want the discussion to be about what was said, not what I said about what was said. … [Read more...] about Mohler on Alcohol
Young, Southern Baptist, and Self-Important? (by Alan Pearce)
I am writing in response to Brad Whitt’s article “Young, Southern Baptist and irrelevant?” which was recently published in The Baptist Banner (vol. 24, no.6, pp. 5-8). He laments over what seems to be a self-perceived irrelevance brought on by a minority that he describes as “outsiders from within” (p. 8; code, I think, for Calvinists). This minority of men in the SBC has appropriated the Convention microphone and is taking its cues from not a few prominent non-traditional, non-SBC pastors. The bottom line is that these me are hurting the Convention, and if he, and others like him, could … [Read more...] about Young, Southern Baptist, and Self-Important? (by Alan Pearce)
Sometimes I Feel Like a House
(Note: Nearly eight months have passed since our home burned. Now, just a couple of weeks away from moving into our new home, I've been thinking back to the night of the fire and the thoughts that swirled around in my head the night I stood in the yard on a cold night and watched it burn. The post below is adapted from my Signs of a Struggle post that ran in December 2010, a few days after the fire.) For we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands. -- 11 Cor. 5:1 I have at times in the … [Read more...] about Sometimes I Feel Like a House