I don’t typically respond to other people’s articles, and I try to stay out of controversy. Hopefully I do not regret responding here, but Les Puryear seems to be a reasonable man and if there were any discussion I think it would be cordial. Puryear recently posted an article on what is wrong with the SBC. Number two on the list (in no particular order) was “preachers and Seminary professors who teach that the biblical principle of storehouse tithing is not valid today.” He followed up that article with one this morning accusing those that “eliminate the tithe” as “jumping through … [Read more...] about Eliminating the Tithe: Magnifying Christ and Missions – A Response to Les Puryear
Level Three: Dinner Table Doctrine (Brick Walls, Picket Fences – 11)
I remember an argument I once had with a close friend over Matthew 13:33. “The kingdom of heaven is like yeast.” Yeast is an interesting substance. Put a little bit of yeast into even a large lump of dough and pretty soon the whole thing begins to change, to expand, to grow bigger. A little yeast affects a lot of dough. This illustration is used throughout Scripture. Most of the time, it is clear that the point is negative. A little bit of sin works through everything and then grows and expands and creates spiritual decay. “Beware the leaven of the Pharisees,” Jesus warned. The … [Read more...] about Level Three: Dinner Table Doctrine (Brick Walls, Picket Fences – 11)
Adoption: It’s For All of Us (by Jim Giffords)
Hi all, Today I want to write about a topic that is near and dear to my heart – adoption. Adoption is wonderful in so many aspects. I have had the wonderful privilege to adopt three children (and perhaps more in the future). I want to say a few things about adoption. First, it is a wonderful way to rescue children. I cannot imagine what it is like to not have a home. But every time I look at my children, I see children for whom there was a time when they had no mom or dad. My boys were too small to remember it, and likely my daughter won’t remember it as she grows older either, but it is … [Read more...] about Adoption: It’s For All of Us (by Jim Giffords)
Picket Fence Ecclesiology: Balancing Local Church and City-Church (Brick Walls and Picket Fences 10)
I was blessed to attend a Promisekeepers rally for pastors in Atlanta several years ago. There were many thousands of pastors and church leaders from all over the country who came to be encouraged and instructed at that rally. I cannot remember a single sermon that was preached that week (though they were powerful and moving) but I can remember one moment – a song that was sung by Steve Green. He sang a song about tearing down the walls that separate us from one another, about letting the walls of denominational pride, personal ambition, competition and such things fall by the power of God. … [Read more...] about Picket Fence Ecclesiology: Balancing Local Church and City-Church (Brick Walls and Picket Fences 10)
Does Substitutionary Atonement need Limited Atonement?
I have often struggled with the teaching of limited atonement. I understood it in concept, but thought it was a purposeless doctrine. That was true until I read an article that was against the Doctrine of Substitutionary Atonement. As I began to think about how Substitutionary Atonement works, I began to ponder. Substitutionary Atonement states that Jesus died in my place. When He was on the cross, He bore my sins. By dying, He took the punishment for my sin. He died in my place. He was my substitute, because the punishment He suffered should have been mine. If Substitutionary Atonement … [Read more...] about Does Substitutionary Atonement need Limited Atonement?
Sifting Through Donkey Dung
In Mark 5 we read of a woman “…who had a discharge of blood for twelve years, and who had suffered much under many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was no better but rather grew worse.” There were many options for this lady to find healing. The Talmud lists eleven. In Lightfoot’s Commentary we are made privy to a few of the more ridiculous ones: “Take of gum Alexandria, of alum, and of crocus hortensis, the weight of a zuzee each; let them be bruised together, and given in wine to the woman that hath an issue of blood. But if this fail, “Take of Persian onions nine … [Read more...] about Sifting Through Donkey Dung
Female Pastors & Graceless Responses in Mayberry!
Originally posted at From Law to Grace on Friday, August 5, 2011 After spending Thursday night in the cool-weather environs of Ruidoso, NM, nestled in the Sacramento Mountains, the heat of Alamogordo has perhaps got me in a contrary mood. With limited time on the internet, I'm just now catching up on some of the latest news in the nation and in our Baptist world at large. I couldn't help but notice a piece at Associated Baptist Press written by Norman Jameson, "NC Association ousts church with woman pastor." As I read the article, I began to think that some Baptists simply lack that … [Read more...] about Female Pastors & Graceless Responses in Mayberry!
Better is a Little
"Better is a little with the fear of the LORD than great treasure and trouble with it." - Proverbs 15:16 (ESV) For the last month or so if you wanted to find me on Monday nights at 9pm, I’m probably glued to the TV watching the Emmy®-nominated documentary series, Hoarders on A&E. TLC also has a similar show called Hoarding: Buried Alive which I also watch. The shows are arguably identical, although A&E’s seeks for a two-day cleanup whereas TLC’s is willing to follow the person for weeks or months to show their progress. (I know, these have been around for a few years, but I just … [Read more...] about Better is a Little
No, I wouldn’t vote to expel (by William Thornton)
I referenced William's side of this. Here it is. You can read both. Maybe Howell will post here as well. It's a necessary discussion. Flat Rock Baptist Church in Mount Airy North Carolina was quickly and summarily expelled from the Surry Baptist Association the other day according to [http://www.abpnews.com/content/view/6626/53/] this APB story from last week. Seems the church had done the unusual, the unthinkable, the unpardonable - they called a female pastor. Tony Cartlege calls it 'courageous, the association calls their kicking out action an attempt to facilitate "restoration to … [Read more...] about No, I wouldn’t vote to expel (by William Thornton)
Are Churches with Female Pastors Southern Baptist?
You do not have to be Southern Baptist to be a Baptist. You do not have to be Baptist to be a Christian. But there are some things you have to believe and do to be Southern Baptist. The seemingly eternal question is what that is. What is a Southern Baptist? I asked that question once in a blog post and basically no one knew the answer. The simple, legal answer is found in our bylaws. A church in friendly cooperation with the SBC is defined as one that gives a certain amount to the SBC and doesn't approve of homosexuality. But I think we all know that it goes a little deeper than … [Read more...] about Are Churches with Female Pastors Southern Baptist?