For you [Lord] have been a stronghold to the poor, a stronghold to the needy in his distress, a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat.—Isaiah 25:4 The other day I wrote a blog post about creation groaning in light of the recent tornadoes and other natural disasters. Little did I know then, how close to home that would strike. On Wednesday I made the hour and forty-five minute trek from my present home to my hometown for the funeral of a friend and neighbor (the man was a much much nicer Mr. Wilson to my not so hyperactive Dennis the Menace). On the way there I drove through … [Read more...] about The Shelter in the Midst of the Storm
Don’t Let the Jerks Get You Down
There are some books that I have never read, but that I think qualify for all-time brilliant title awards. My favorite is, "Normal is Just a Setting on Your Dryer." Gotta love that. Captain John Trimmer blessed us with a tome entitled, "How to Avoid Big Ships" - a problem that each of us face on a daily basis. Sgt. Rick Pelicano authored, "Bombproof Your Horse." In these days, everyone needs to be concerned about horse-terrorism issues, don't we? The "Huh?" award goes to Brian Piddick's "How to Write a How to Write Book." P.L.H. McSweeny addressed one of life's great challenges in, … [Read more...] about Don’t Let the Jerks Get You Down
Apparently, You Are What You’re Named
Gee, Pastor White, I really appreciate your seeing me like this. I’m sort of stuck in an awkward position, and I can’t quite figure out what to do. What I mean is I’m trying to help a friend of mine, and I just can’t seem to figure out how. I’m hoping you could advise me in some way. What? No, it’s like I said: a friend of mine. I’ve got this pal, a buddy named Juan Pablo Montoya. He’s Cuban; well, Cuban-American. His folks are Cuban, but Juan was born here and grew up in South Florida. He’s got the whole Latin family thing going on there. I mean, it’s crazy how many cousins he’s got, … [Read more...] about Apparently, You Are What You’re Named
Gay Culture: The Mouse that Keeps on Roaring
I confess to having been a sinner my entire life, revealed by my own actions, always in danger of being smashed like a gnat by someone big enough to demand retribution . . . but always in hope of being picked up and set free again by someone big enough to forgive. I've often perched on the top of a magnificent peak, foreboding with the potential for destruction, but dazzling with its view of hoped-for restoration. Better there, though, than down in the valley where those who refuse to acknowledge their own worldly shortcomings mingle with those who don't believe they can ever be forgiven and … [Read more...] about Gay Culture: The Mouse that Keeps on Roaring
Are you sure you are saved?
As I look out over a congregation, any group that claims to be mostly made of up Believers, I am haunted by two things that always leave me wondering. You see, Jesus said in Matthew chapter seven there will be people who think they are saved, but are not. They have fruit, but it's bad fruit. When judgement comes, they think they are in, but will hear "depart from me, I never knew you". The second thing is a story I know from a very wise and Godly man. When he was younger, he entered the ministry and began to pastor. One evening he attended a revival meeting to support some of the work … [Read more...] about Are you sure you are saved?
The Danger of “Open Doors”
You are lonely. You passionately pray for God to bring a companion. The next day you meet this absolutely amazing person of the opposite sex. Everything seems perfect. God has “finally opened up this door”. Yeah, he’s not a believer, but you are confident that because God has perfectly aligned the stars this person will certainly become a believer soon enough. It’s the will of God. It has to be. I’ve counseled a good number of people with this very mindset (not just teenagers, either). Things are lining up into place so this MUST be the will of God. After all doesn’t God … [Read more...] about The Danger of “Open Doors”
American Idol, Simon, Encouragement and Ministry
Okay, I'm going to make some deductions from assumptions here. If you don't agree with my assumptions you obviously will not agree with my deductions, but here goes anyway. I'm an American Idol fan. It was not always so, but when my daughter hit her teenage years she began to demand more control of the remote and suddenly we were an American Idol family. I've always loved the audition programs when people we wouldn't let sing a solo at church are shocked that they are turned down by the judges. But since the advent of the DVR era, I have watched every episode of the last three … [Read more...] about American Idol, Simon, Encouragement and Ministry
Chronic Clergy Complaining Syndrome (by William Thornton)
Once again, SBC Voices' friend, the SBC Plodder (known in real life as William Thornton) shares his perspective with us. Should be a good discussion. I love the brethren, my ministerial colleagues, fellow soldiers of the Lord, partners in our common calling of pastoral ministry; however, there is a malady that is common only to us: Chronic Clergy Complaining Syndrome (I recognize that my brethren have an unnatural and perhaps unhealthy love for alliteration and am happy to feed their addiction). Perhaps you have seen it, or, had it. I haven't overlooked that the data show that "clergy … [Read more...] about Chronic Clergy Complaining Syndrome (by William Thornton)
Creation is Groaning
For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now.—Romans 8:20-22 Over this past month the country has been rocked with numerous tornadoes resulting in 500+ deaths, the latest 100+ from a single tornado, alone, in Joplin, MO—the deadliest single tornado on record. And this not far removed from an earthquake that … [Read more...] about Creation is Groaning
Should Christians be on ‘American Idol’?
Every now and then I can’t sleep. Most of the time I don’t mind because it gives me a chance to work on projects I’ve had in my head for a while. When the world is dark and quiet (well, our half of it) it is a great time to get things done. Then again, sometimes I just zone out reading the news--which I often think belongs in quotation marks. With the country in the shape it’s in, is another person booted from ‘American Idol’ really “news”? Apparently it is. Personally I don’t watch ‘American Idol’; not for any reason other than lack of interest. Bring back William Hung as a perpetual … [Read more...] about Should Christians be on ‘American Idol’?