I have been in vocational ministry for about a decade. I know many of you have done this for several decades and as I listen to advice and read and learn, I find out thing. There is a lot of people who basically say "your job will make you miserable." I have been taught that you spend 60-80% of your time doing the things you don't want to do and aren't not gifted at so you can spend the other 20-40% of the time doing the ministry you feel called to do. People will have unfair expectations, you work hard, you work long and they will still not be happy. People will assume you work an hour a … [Read more...] about Is Misery the Expectation?
Living for Heaven’s Amen
I was a communications major in college, but in my small Baptist school that meant that I was part of the theater department. In my junior year I got my first big part in a musical - Arvide Abernathy in Guys and Dolls. I was 19 years old and had to play an old man. I just wasn't getting it - I couldn't find the soul of the character. One day, during rehearsal, the director said some words that stung me deeply. "Dave, you sound like you are reading a phone book." Now, I am not sure all that is encompassed in that statement, but I am pretty sure of one thing, it is not a compliment. The … [Read more...] about Living for Heaven’s Amen
Pastors: Sheep Acquisition Professionals?
In Ephesians 4:11 Paul listed and described some roles within the church. He wrote," And He personally gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers.." (HCSB). I was reading over this passage this morning and happened to check the comments at the bottom of the page. This is what it said: "Pastors do all for the church that a literal shepherd does for the sheep: feeds, nurtures, cares for, and protects from enemies. A shepherd's task is not to acquire sheep. However, if a shepherd does what he is supposed to do, he will have healthy sheep and his … [Read more...] about Pastors: Sheep Acquisition Professionals?
Monday’s Ministry Musing: The Only Perfect Sermon Was Crucified
I wrote this awhile back when I was super busy with sermon preparation for a church camp that I was pastoring: I am super busy with camp and trying to prepare the “perfect” sermons to proclaim that Jesus is Enough. I have four sermons to preach (as well as write short devotions, team-time devotions, and put a little together for the morning worship services). I have spent a good deal of time on sermon number one. It keeps going through revision. I get it all together and then decide to cut something. Then I add something else. Then I cut something else. The process keeps … [Read more...] about Monday’s Ministry Musing: The Only Perfect Sermon Was Crucified
Chutes and Ladders: Extreme Edition
"I don't want to play anymore." I remember when my grandchildren used to come to the house. In warmer weather they wanted to be outside to pick the garden of still-green fruit or pluck the flowers or maybe just pick up rocks. Wandering around the yard like little ducks, stopping here and there to point and stare at wondrous things so often overlooked by the rest of us on our way to somewhere. Little ones are just . . . there. Where they are is the somewhere that matters. On colder days, my grandchildren would dash down the hall and head for the toy room, a place that still held the baby … [Read more...] about Chutes and Ladders: Extreme Edition
The Crisis of Conference Christians (by Mark Driscoll) WOW!
You can find the article here, at the Resurgence blog. Driscoll speaks of the phenomenon of "Conference Christians" who go from spiritual mountaintop to spiritual mountaintop at the various inspirational conferences one can attend. Humorous and powerful - Driscoll's specialties. Well worth reading. You might also check out SBC Today's "Top Blog Posts of the Week" with links to some very good articles that have been out there that you might have missed. … [Read more...] about The Crisis of Conference Christians (by Mark Driscoll) WOW!
On the Other Hand…
Ergun Caner had a pretty funny series of tweets today about the expected but unfulfilled apocalypse. erguncaner Ergun Mehmet Caner Wow, heaven is beautiful. Sorry this took so long. Should've known ATT has no service in heaven. Hell has 4 bars tho- 46 minutes ago erguncaner Ergun Mehmet Caner WAIT! Where'd everybody go? Oh man...now I gotta fight Nicolae Carpathia... 1 hour ago erguncaner Ergun Mehmet Caner Today at 6pm, we need a whole bunch of you to go outside and BLOW A TRUMPET really loud. Atheists will … [Read more...] about On the Other Hand…
Reflections on the Impending Apocalypse
The day has arrived in which Harold Camping will be shown to be a prophet of God or revealed as the false prophet most of us think he is. I just did a short sermon at our Upward Soccer end-of-season celebration and I joked a little about it. And some of you read the post I put up here two weeks ago today about this. But now, I'm sick of it. I'm tired of hearing about Harold Camping and I'm tired of joking about it. Most of all, I am tired of the cause this has given the scoffers to scoff. So, here are my thoughts about this thing right now. 1) I don't believe Harold Camping. He … [Read more...] about Reflections on the Impending Apocalypse
The Church: Why?
Another gem from Igniter Media. … [Read more...] about The Church: Why?
What is Congregationalism, Biblically Speaking?
Different discussions you see and hear about church government as Baptists assume a type of congregationalism. Yet it’s rare in such discussions that anyone presents a definition and defense of congregationalism. I want to address that issue. Certainly in church life, Jesus stands as the sole authority over his church (as Dr. Russ Moore says, “the church is not a democracy by a Christocracy”); but Jesus has vested the final earthly authority under him to the congregation as a whole. But what does this look like, practically speaking? Biblical congregationalism is about a priesthood … [Read more...] about What is Congregationalism, Biblically Speaking?