Mostly, bloggers talk. We analyse, criticize and examine what is going on in this SBC and the larger Christian world. Today, we can take the next step. We can do something important. In a time of crisis, of great need, can we come together and make a difference. We have an opportunity to help people whose lives have been devastated in recent days. One of our own, a fellow-blogger named CB Scott is at ground zero of this tragedy and is trying to minister in the name of Christ. You and I can help him. I talked to CB tonight. He is the pastor of Westmont Baptist Church in Birmingham, … [Read more...] about “BloggerAID”: We Can Help Alabama Tornado Victims
The Spoken WORD: “Hypochristians” by Karness
I've been introduced to something new in the last couple of months, something called "spoken word" poetry. It's not sappy rhymes like you find on greeting cards and funeral programs, but gritty observations about life set in a lyrical form. You can find a lot of it on Youtube and Vimeo. Much of it, of course, is pretty vulgar. I found out about spoken word poetry because my daughter was introduced to it in her Creative Writing class and has become a devotee. She has started participating in "poetry slams" - essentially poetry battles. She won one and has finished second and third at … [Read more...] about The Spoken WORD: “Hypochristians” by Karness
The Big Apple Adventure (from Freddy Wyatt)
We’ve got the perfect opportunity for you to teach your children about urban church planting while making a kingdom impact in a strategic city! As you may know, one of Lifeway’s VBS themes this year is “Big Apple Adventure”. Please consider connecting your VBS to the Gallery Church in New York City by: 1) Designating your VBS Missions offering to us at the Gallery Church, and 2) Energizing your VBS by using Missions Moment videos we’ve created for you! We’re getting great feedback on the videos and trust they will energize your VBS! The Gallery Church is an SBC church plant that … [Read more...] about The Big Apple Adventure (from Freddy Wyatt)
Bloggers, Journalists, and Other Verbose Writers (Part 2)
[In case you missed Part 1, you can go HERE. Below is where my brain was going with that portion of this post...] Of late, I've read where bloggers are a bit disconnected from the reality of "facts". Bloggers really shouldn't be writing about the things on their minds or challenging anyone for almost anything--especially if their opinion differs from one published in a bonafide news outlet. To do so is as silly as a "journalist" writing and talking about President Obama's birth was in Kenya instead of Hawaii. Oh. Wait a minute. That is what the news media has been talking about ad … [Read more...] about Bloggers, Journalists, and Other Verbose Writers (Part 2)
Still Trying to Understand Cowboy Church
For the second time I am reading Ed Stetzer’s landmark book Breaking the Missional Code. I agree with most if it. But one thing I am having a hard time with is this statement and the implications that come out of it: “Our growing cultural diversity requires a church within the reach of every people group, population segment, and cultural environment if we are to be faithful to the Great Commission”. The implication here is that if you live in an area that has lots of “cowboys” then perhaps a cowboy church would help reach people with the gospel. Or maybe you live around a bunch of … [Read more...] about Still Trying to Understand Cowboy Church
The Worth of Friends
This was originally posted on my blog on June 15, 2010: John 15:15, Jesus: “No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you.” The pastor at the church I visited this past Sunday made a good point: “It’s said that friends are people who accept you just the way you are. Well, the guy at the drive-thru accepts you just the way you are because he really doesn’t care about your life. A friend is the person who challenges you to do better in … [Read more...] about The Worth of Friends
Les Puryear’s Post: “An Apology to SBC Reformed Pastors”
Les Puryear posted this today, and I thought some of you would like to see it. It was posted on SBC View. Since a couple of you posted in response to Les' earlier comments (and those of another blogger), I thought you might like to see his latest response. I appreciate Les' humility in issuing this apology. I think this spirit of grace is exactly what we need as we try to work together in the future. An Apology to SBC Reformed Pastors (from Les Puryear) On April 15, I wrote a post which concluded that Reformed Baptists should leave the SBC. After much prayer and pondering, I have … [Read more...] about Les Puryear’s Post: “An Apology to SBC Reformed Pastors”
Bloggers, Journalists, and Other Verbose Writers (Part 1)
So, according to Merriam-Webster's online dictionary, a journalist "is a : a person engaged in journalism; especially : a writer or editor for a news medium b : a writer who aims at a mass audience." So, what exactly is a journalist, friends? Help me out. You see, I don't really consider myself a journalist. I see myself as a woman who writes devotional, inspirational, "stuff" about my life, with the main emphasis on my faith in Christ. One dear friend of mine says I'm a "scribe". That sounds so much better than a journalist, don't you think? Yet, if you think about it, most … [Read more...] about Bloggers, Journalists, and Other Verbose Writers (Part 1)
But We Were Eyewitnesses
The words of Peter's epistle came to mind recently when I caught this video lecture about new ways of demonstrating that the Gospels are definitely eyewitness accounts of the life and ministry of Jesus. Thought I would share the video with you guys who might be interested in it. It is about an hour long, but very engaging. There is also a Q and A clip on youtube from this same event. The speaker is Dr. Peter Williams. … [Read more...] about But We Were Eyewitnesses
When the Queen Kills the King – It is Time for the Check Please
From the title you might be guessing that this is a post about chess. Sorry, but no. It is a title about bad sermons with an attempt at a witty headline, but it got you this far so you might as well keep reading. It is said that theology is the "Queen of the sciences," and indeed that is so, but it is dangerous when someone mistakes the "queen" for the King. I recently heard a sermon where the preacher didn't bother to quote from Scripture, aside from a couple of "glancing" mentions of two verses without citing what they even were. The sermon was based on the work of three … [Read more...] about When the Queen Kills the King – It is Time for the Check Please