Containing updates and revisions to interact with Dave Miller’s post, “Combating the Culture of Secrecy in the SBC: Trust the People!” this post was originally published at FromLaw2Grace on July 19, 2010. Transparency and openness, whether in government or in a religious organization like the Southern Baptist Convention, is a principle which almost everyone agrees with in theory, but which is much harder to define in practice. Such has been the case in the SBC. In June of this year, the Great Commission Resurgence Task Force (GCRTF), after a year of meetings and discussions, presented its … [Read more...] about Radically Redefining Transparency in the SBC: Part 2
Help Me! The People I Agree with Are Being Ridiculous!
Please note: I started this blog post with the idea it would go on my blog and be, well, read by about 3 people. Then I was honored with a request to put something up over here. In the interest of not making you wait for me to write perfectly, you'll get what I've got. Doug Someday, it's bound to happen to you too, but I know it has happened to me. You're sitting there, reading along, whether it be book, magazine, blog or journal and the moment comes. Perhaps you're listening at a conference, convention, or watching the news. The moment hits, and you feel almost angry from … [Read more...] about Help Me! The People I Agree with Are Being Ridiculous!
Brick Walls and Picket Fences (Part 2): “Speaking the Truth in Love”
We hear two voices in the Christian world today. One voice tells us to be faithful to our doctrine, to our denominational distinctives, to the sound teachings of the Word of God. It is a voice we cannot easily dismiss. God’s Word is given as a lamp for our feet and a light for our path. It steers us toward the path God wants us to walk and away from sin. No Christian should easily sacrifice sound doctrine. The other voice tells us that God wants us to walk in unity with others in the Body of Christ, even those who do not agree with everything we believe. And that voice should not be … [Read more...] about Brick Walls and Picket Fences (Part 2): “Speaking the Truth in Love”
How Does a Pastor Recover from Mental and Emotional Exhaustion? (by Brian Croft)
Editor: I've been there. How about you? Brian Croft is Senior Pastor of Auburndale Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky. Someone sent me a link to this article and I thought it was wonderful. Very helpful. Brian's Blog "Practical Shepherding" is well worth reading contantly, pastors. I’ll let you know. In other words…I’m there. I’m not discouraged, depressed, or dulled in my affections for Christ and His Word. My love for this calling and the task to shepherd God’s people has not waned at all, it only grows. I have very little to be discouraged about and so much to be thankful … [Read more...] about How Does a Pastor Recover from Mental and Emotional Exhaustion? (by Brian Croft)
The Mitosis Method of Church Planting: You Make the Call
Church Growth Confusion I've never been in a megachurch environment for more than a Sunday or two. My experience is all with smaller to mid-sized churches. I've noticed an interesting phenomena in these churches. Everybody says they want the church to grow. But they also say they like the smaller church feel. Kinda confused? Me, too. We want the church to grow and stay small. We want the church to grow but not change. Obviously, many of us aren't sure what we really want. But let me make a point from this conundrum. There are people (a lot of them evidently) who want the … [Read more...] about The Mitosis Method of Church Planting: You Make the Call
“That’s My King!” (SM Lockridge) Best Preaching Ever?
You've probably all seen this, but its worth hearing again...and again...and again. There are several versions of this out there on youtube. I like this one the best. I thought that perhaps this powerful preaching might balance out the pain I inflicted with the "O Holy Night" travesty of yesterday. I get chills every time I hear this. I really wish I could preach like this! … [Read more...] about “That’s My King!” (SM Lockridge) Best Preaching Ever?
A Christmas Blessing: Matt Svoboda Sings “O Holy Night”
The readers of Voices may not know that Matt Svoboda, who was the Editor of this blog until September is an accomplished singer. You might be blessed by his version of "O Holy Night" which is going to be on his upcoming album, "A Young Whippersnapper's Christmas." … [Read more...] about A Christmas Blessing: Matt Svoboda Sings “O Holy Night”
Recommendation: Use the Excellent Lottie Moon Videos to Promote the LMCOIM
At my church, we work pretty hard to promote the Lottie Moon offering. Being in a new work state, I have about 2-3% of my members who have a Southern Baptist background. Until they joined SHBC, they had no idea who Lottie Moon was. We promote the offering pretty hard and our people are pretty generous - for folks who have no SBC denominational heritage. The Lottie Moon videos that the IMB sends out have been a great help in this. We used to show them at the beginning of the service, but our folks are notoriously late arrivers, so now we use them instead at the offering time during the … [Read more...] about Recommendation: Use the Excellent Lottie Moon Videos to Promote the LMCOIM
A “Helper” Suitable for Him: Gender Issues in Genesis 2
(This is part 3 in a series and is based on what has gone before. Read Part 1 here. Read Part 2 here.) A Shocking "Exegesis" of Scripture I apologize for what I am about to tell you – in advance. I used to have a book in my library that was written in the early 1900's by a Baptist preacher from the South. It was an exposition of the Scriptures that demonstrated that God meant for black people to be slaves. He went right back to the Creation narratives and found evidence that God intended for the white man to rule the black man. My jaw dropped as I read it. His “exegesis” focused on … [Read more...] about A “Helper” Suitable for Him: Gender Issues in Genesis 2