How can you say to your brother, 'Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,' when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. -- Luke 6:42 Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night and do a life review? In that rear-view mirror of reclining restlessness all the wrong turns of the past seem to paint a clear direction to the present. That retrospective road map can be painfully revealing. This morning at 4:44 a.m., I awoke, not to a clatter, not … [Read more...] about Jesus Wasn’t Home in Time for Dinner
My morning at First Baptist Church of Lebanon, MO
I was traveling this last week and found myself at Lebanon, MO on Sunday morning. I decided to go to First Baptist Church. There wasn't much to it. It was a normal, Bible-belt traditional service. They had a later contemporary service, but because we were traveling we went to the early, traditional service. The music was fine, the people were nice, and my son seemed to enjoy the nursery. Looking at the surface, most people would of probably thought, "This is a pretty nice church." When one gets beyond the surface they see something very different. They seem something better. One … [Read more...] about My morning at First Baptist Church of Lebanon, MO
Homosexuality and Your Church — Part Two
Whether you know it or not, members of your church are ministering to Christians who struggle with homosexuality. Like the struggle itself, their ministry to those who suffer may be hidden, but it goes on, fueled by love. They are parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters, cousins, and friends of your church members – men and women -- who are drowning in the residue of the sin of unwanted homosexuality. Those who walk with homosexuals share the solitude and isolation that afflicts Christians who struggle with unwanted same-sex attraction. Secrecy fuels this sin in the shadow of the … [Read more...] about Homosexuality and Your Church — Part Two
Homosexuality and Your Church
What do the gay people in your church look like? Do you spot them by their flamboyant clothing . . . their mannerisms . . . their declarations? When a brother or sister in your church came to you to ask you for your help and support in their personal struggle against homosexuality . . . what did you do to walk with them? How did you respond the last time this happened to you? “Oh . . . we don’t have that problem in our church,” you say? If you are a typical Southern Baptist Church in Oklahoma, you do. If it is not a problem for Southern Baptists, why did Jimmy Draper lead in the … [Read more...] about Homosexuality and Your Church
Developing a heart for the lost
Today while meeting with my Pastor and Sunday School director, we observed that our church is not good at welcoming new faces. At times, people visit us and they do not feel welcome. I suggested this is a symptom of not having a heart for the lost. When by the grace of God a lost person shows up at our church, every member should be concerned for the soul of that visitor. That concern should reveal itself in many ways, none of which result in the person feeling unwelcome. Focusing on developing a heart for the lost is a far better focus that training people in kindness. Not only will … [Read more...] about Developing a heart for the lost
Missional Living- More than a thought
This is the end of a post I wrote late last night... Here are a few ways God has specifically challenged me with missional living: 1) To be an example to my small group about what it means to live on mission for Jesus. 2) To engage the Mormons in my own community. I have been here since February and I haven't heard one story of a particular group of people, or church, or whatever that has intentionally engaged the Mormons. I hope to help change that. 3) To take God at his word. Yes, this is missional living. If we actually take him at his word our lives will look radically different. … [Read more...] about Missional Living- More than a thought
Engaging Your Neighbor
The phrase "engaging your culture" is often used and in my opinion, misused. We aren't trying to engage a culture, but rather a people within a culture. I know I am somewhat arguing semantics, but I think rephrasing it to "engage your neighbor" helps put things into perspective. We are trying to win people. We are not, or at least should not, be trying to "win a culture." With that being said... What are some things that you and/or your church is doing in order to engage your neighbors, your community? Is it more than inviting them to your church to hear your "awesome band" and … [Read more...] about Engaging Your Neighbor
Happy Reformation Day
Happy Reformation Day everyone... To celebrate, I read Galatians and my wife made a Happy Reformation Day cake. Did you do anything to celebrate the Reformation? … [Read more...] about Happy Reformation Day
A Word to Young Preachers
Another great post from Dr. Russell Moore: A Word to Young Preachers Posted using ShareThis … [Read more...] about A Word to Young Preachers
“Vision is overrated”
This was a tweet that I read from Jared Wilson... I'm not sure what I think about it. "Vision is overrated" From what I have seen, many in the Reformed camp tend to shy away from words and topics such as "vision," while other camps-such as Andy Stanley, Craig Gross, etc. spend a little(maybe a lot) too much time on "vision." In my mind when the Bible talks about leadership, which is a lot, "vision" is included. Vision is in fact part of leadership and it isn't something we can ignore, at least if we are to be good leaders. To have a productive conversation about this I would like … [Read more...] about “Vision is overrated”