This post is a response to "We Have Reached A Tipping Point" by Dr. Alvin Reid as posted (here, here, here, & here). WE should not overlook this one fact - the SBC has a history of self correction. It's never been pretty, and it's often been too late. But as a denomination we've always found a way to change. For example: Missionary slave holders - Really? Denominational debts - Never a good plan. Unbelievers training future pastors - Duh? There are many more examples, but the "SBC is evil" line is really old news. This post is not about the effects of the Fall on religious … [Read more...] about Thanks for the TIP, but what’s the POINT?
Comments On Between The Times – We’ll Take Credit
Our SBC Blog Madness was open only to blogs that allowed reader comments. That ruled out some great blogs, like Albert Mohler and Between The Times. Now, by the providence of God, at least one of those two has become a "real" blog. I'm taking credit and will brag about it to anyone who will listen. If you repeat my story it will become fact. If not, at least enjoy the new feature at one the best SBC blogs. … [Read more...] about Comments On Between The Times – We’ll Take Credit
516+ SBC Blogs
After clearing my inbox, we've passed the 500 mark for blogs tracked by SBC voices. Blog Madness gave us a big boost on traffic too. … [Read more...] about 516+ SBC Blogs
65 Reasons Why I Love The Southern Baptist Convention – Really!
On a blog like this, we tend to be self-critical to a fault. But behind all our talk about making the SBC better is an unspoken assumption - we still love our denomination and especially its people. So, this post is my attempt at penance for all the nasty things I've every thought about being the SBC. Feel free to add to the list in the comments, just be nice or I'll ban you for life. Why I Love The SBC The Gospel always has, and always will be the main thing. We can point fingers at ourselves. We are not afraid to offer public repentance. We trust the … [Read more...] about 65 Reasons Why I Love The Southern Baptist Convention – Really!
Internal SBC Memo Revealed
This morning we received a leaked email that must be revealed. It appears to be the communication between two senior level leaders inside our convention. After confirming the authenticity of this memo, we have decided to post it here in full. The names have been edited to avoid lawsuits. Update: It turns out this memo was in truth a work of fiction by a certain Trevin Wax. The content of the memo has no connection with anything real in any sense of the word real. Rest assured, good readers, that we will be more careful with our editorial integrity in the future. My dearest W------- Though … [Read more...] about Internal SBC Memo Revealed
2009 Blog Madness: What does it all mean?
When a ball game becomes a blowout in the first half, the conversation shifts to more punditry than play-by-play. So, I thought I would share a few things I've learned about SBC blogs from this contest. What does blog madness tell us about SBC bloggers? We like books. Almost everyone played along for a mere $313 prize. We don't take ourselves too seriously. Most of the comments and stumping were good natured. We like competition and numbers. It's not that others like statistics less, but we are the denomination of the ACP, CP splits and LifeWay research. We like cooperation. Maybe … [Read more...] about 2009 Blog Madness: What does it all mean?
From God's Call to God's Sanctification: It's not easy being me. It made no sense. I'd been born-again all of 8 months. I sat in an auditorium in Ridgecrest, North Carolina listening to Bertha Smith challenge us all to pray for the Lord to bring forth laborers for His harvest. That tiny gray-haired lady charged us to pray that people hear and heed the call to missions, to ministry, to evangelism. She exhorted us with Isaiah's words: "Here am I, send me". I prayed for others. I asked God to call men to ministry. Then I heard a voice say, "You." I'm hearing things. Bertha Smith must … [Read more...] about CONFESSIONS OF A PASTOR’S WIFE
2009 SBC Voices BLOG MADNESS: Final
After 2 weeks of intense competition, the field is down to four. At stake is bragging rights and a $313 gift card to Westminster Books via email. This prize was donated by my children’s ministry website (check out my Vacation Bible School articles)and earned via the Westminster blog partners. Blog Madness ended Monday 6 April 2009 - scroll down to see final results or just read the "see who won" post. 2009 Blog Madness Final Four (Michael Spencer) Round 1 Votes: 633 Round 2 Votes: 593 Original Seeding: 1 Technorati Authority: 753 Church Matters (9Marks … [Read more...] about 2009 SBC Voices BLOG MADNESS: Final
We Use Gravatar
SBC Voices has integrated gravatars to help put a faces with a names. It's a free service that associates a picture with your email address. If you comment frequently, you should sign up. … [Read more...] about We Use Gravatar
An Unconventional Convention
I have been following the InternetMonk's recent posts about the Southern Baptist Convention with interest. I can identify with some of the themes that he is talking about and some of the issues, and I think some of the solutions are already in our midst as well. I would like to give you some insight from the edges of SBC life in the north. I grew up in the heart of the SBC in western Arkansas. It was in a Baptist Student Union at Westark Community College that I met my wife and was called by God to service in ministry. I served as a youth pastor in several small churches in northwest … [Read more...] about An Unconventional Convention