Our pastor spoke to us on a recent Sunday morning on the difference between "holiness" and "holier than thou". Doctor Hadley gave several verses to point out specifically what holiness is but spent a great portion of the sermon on the latter issue, the sin of being holier than thou. Our main portion of scripture studied was Mark 7: 1-23. I've studied this portion of scripture before but there are always new things to learn each time you read scripture. God reveals a new lesson to you at the appropriate time, I believe. It wasn't that the lesson wasn't there before, or that the scripture … [Read more...] about Holy versus Holier Than Thou
Since 2006 when I started blogging, I've read a continual battery of degrading things about our convention and many of her leaders. The wearisome drone of belittlement, impugning, accusation, and maligning has, at times, stirred me to comment with ire and disgust. Other times I've written posts to encourage us to "grieve not the Holy Spirit" with our maiming of the brethren. Sometimes I've responded to complete strangers on blogs to encourage them not to give up on the SBC because of a few who continually drip, drip, drip words of dissension and division. (I've been so blessed by the … [Read more...] about THE BEST OR WORST OF THE SBC
MP3: 2009 North Central States Rally
This audio was linked on the Indiana Baptist website and thought it might interest some. Dr. Thom Rainer (Tuesday, Jan. 13) AUDIO VIDEO Dr. Robert Smith (Wednesday morning, Jan. 14) AUDIO VIDEO Dr. Ed Stetzer (Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 14) AUDIO VIDEO Dr. Geoff Hammond (Wednesday evening, Jan. 14) AUDIO VIDEO Dr. Fermin Whittacker (Thursday morning, Jan. 15) AUDIO VIDEO Purchase DVDs online. ($15 each) … [Read more...] about MP3: 2009 North Central States Rally
We Want Our Goat!
The audio from the sermon is now online. Thank you for fighting and winning the war on inerrancy, but quit fighting over secondary issues to the gospel. Affection for Jesus Christ wanes where the gospel stops being primary and secondary doctrines rise up to take its place. This was the message delivered by Matt Chandler of The Village Church (Dallas, TX) to the crowd of pastors and SBC lay leaders gathered on Tuesday at the 23rd Annual FBC Jax Pastors' Conference. Personally, I was surprised to see his name on the list for this year's conference, but was happy that an exciting young … [Read more...] about We Want Our Goat!
SEBTS’ The Gospel Comes to Life Conference
Read Nathan Finn's live blog notes: 20/20 Conference, Plenary Session V: Danny Akin 20/20 Conference, Plenary Session IV: Bill Brown 20/20 Conference, Session III: Mark Driscoll 20/20 Conference, Plenary Session II: C. J. Mahaney 20/20 Conference, Plenary Session I: Mark Driscoll I'm not sure if they will be posting audio, but watch for it here. … [Read more...] about SEBTS’ The Gospel Comes to Life Conference
The Bible Versus Baptist Buzz – Why I’m Making Some Changes On This Website
I've had some internal conflict the last few weeks about my blogging. This is nothing new, and I expect most Christians have struggled with the right use of this technology. Seeking a global audience has always strained my own pursuit of humility, and I've often questioned the best use of time. Tonight, I'm under specific conviction from the Apostle Paul. I'll just clip the verses that have caught my attention and leave you to draw your own conclusions. 2 Timothy 2:4 No soldier gets entangled in civilian pursuits, since his aim is to please the one who enlisted him. 2 Timothy 2:16 But … [Read more...] about The Bible Versus Baptist Buzz – Why I’m Making Some Changes On This Website
Baptists, Bible Bloat, & Praying Like A Bishop
Sometimes, while scanning blog feeds, the posts start to mix together and produce interesting insights. Tonight was a good example. First, take a look at this Baptist Press post by Keith Manuel (Louisiana Baptist Convention employee). He writes about the digestive dangers of too much grain for sheep and then makes a point about Christians. We're like sheep who eat too much of the good stuff (Bible teaching) and need to go to the fields to get the grain (witnessing). I don't want to make fun (it's a good point), but I really though the post was headed for some bathroom humor. In my immature … [Read more...] about Baptists, Bible Bloat, & Praying Like A Bishop
Frank Page To Advise Obama Administration
Update: Baptist Press has also written about this story. According to this story from Associated Press, our former SBC President Frank Page will be announced as an adviser to Obama's revived White House Office for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. The advisory council is scheduled to be introduced Thursday 2/5/09. Other advisers will include a Jewish rabbi active in Washington and a pioneering female African-American bishop. … [Read more...] about Frank Page To Advise Obama Administration
Why Should I Care About The SBC?
The New Testament keeps pointing me to local communities of believers as the primary visible outworking of the church. There are occasional times of cooperation, and submission to apostolic leadership. But mostly the local church is busy preaching the Gospel and living out the implications of God's Grace. So, I'm a typical young pastor trying to work out how denominations fit into a biblic understanding of the church. I keep hearing smart people say we can do more together than we can apart. I'm not sure I can agree with that. Can't most churches do more missions with less money through … [Read more...] about Why Should I Care About The SBC?
CP Comeback In January 2009
Good news from Nashville today, the Cooperative Program giving has made up ground and is now close to budget (99.53 percent) after 4 months of this fischal year. The BP story is cautiously optomistic. Month-to-month swings reflect a number of factors, but largely result from the timing of receipts from state conventions. The end-of-month total represents money received by close of business on the last business day of each month. … [Read more...] about CP Comeback In January 2009