Here are a few prayer requests from our IMB personnel in Europe. Take a minute today and clock over to Prayers for IMB to see the full list for this week.
Balkans–This month, workers in a Balkan’s country ask that we please join them in praying for government favor from authorities as they are deeply entrenched in their visa process again. There’ve been some unexpected hiccups along the way, so pray for quick resolution and peace as they keep their hand at the plow in the meantime.
England–A couple from Team England met with the mission team from FBC Saginaw, Texas, on February 9th to continue to develop a new partnership with them. They have agreed to partner with the team, and please pray that the details of the new partnership with them will begin to take shape and they will send their first team on a vision trip in 2020.
Macedonia–An IMB representative in Macedonia asks that we please pray for the unbelieving girls that she has become friends with, that their hearts would be open to the Good News and that they would make life-changing decisions for Christ.
Portugal–Pray for the Portuguese Baptist Seminary. The new semester starts today. This semester, IMB representatives are teaching a new church planting class for the first time. Pray for students to sign up for it and to find ways to put what they learn into practice.
As always, thank you for praying.