It’s a slow time at SBCV so…
Two debates, four hours of snippets, indignation, and the party of free stuff is back on my radar. It’s over two months until college football, so why not?
Biden; from “Uncle Joe” to “Poor Uncle Joe”; looks feeble, frankly. Come on Joe, get stirred up about something.
Michael Bennet; zzzz
Pete Buttigieg; reminds me of Marco Rubio, always composed and competent.
Kirsten Gillibrand; the incredible shrinking candidate; Madame Bromide.
Kamala Harris; Kick Butt Kamala…told ya; has a nice warm smile and is likable. How about taking a stand on health care so we know where you are? Absent catastrophe, she would be formidable. No, I’m not interested in a $30 T-shirt with your younger self on it.
John Hickenlooper; Name is the most notable thing about him. No thanks on a POTUS named “Hickenlooper.”
Bernie Sanders; reminds me of the family grouch; second acts don’t work well. Bye, Bern.
Eric Swalwell; still have no idea who this guy is.
Marianne Williamson; has a corner on the galactic goofball vote; better to stick with Oprah; what’s up with the cadaverous look? creepy. It’s TV, looks matter. Hear some Republicans are going to donate to her campaign just to keep her on the debate stage. Love and kisses, Marianne.
Andrew Yang; my guy because of the no tie look; rich guy sounding competent. He’s going to send me $1k a month, right.
Elizabeth Warren; has some gravitas and passion. I had a great uncle who looked extremely Native American but I didn’t try and use that as a foil. DNA said no.
Beto O’Rourke, teeth all clean, is a quivering mass of silliness. No chance.
Amy Klobuchar, the workplace dragon boss from Hades, presents herself well. Let’s see if she can put a dent in the better known Dems.
Comrade de Blasio. Nah. Faggetaboutit.
Castro, thought he died but the guy is smooth and informed. Too short to be prez.
Delaney, far too sensible for the Democrats.
Tulsi Gabbard, Hindu, smart but has had more policy conversions than the rest combined but will stick for a while.
Inslee, never heard of him.
Booker, specializes in outrage…yawn.
Ryan, yet another pro-abortion convert. Such backbone….
Who will be the first dem candidate to refuse to take a “raise your hand” question? Makes them look like schoolkids.
I can’t think of a scenario where I would vote for any of these people.
If the erudite Voices readers want to eschew secular politics here…don’t read this.