These come from the floor of the convention, the hoi polloi, the unwashed masses of SBC messengers. Sometimes fanboys stack the mics and lob softball questions but occasionally messenger actually asks a question worth having answered. Here is a mix, serious and not so serious, of my own:
Al Mohler, president of Southern Seminary: Dr. Mohler, you recently said that the SBC had reached a “critical moment” in regard to “complementarianism.” Yesterday there were women on the sidewalk outside the convention center who were abused by male SBC clergy and laypeople. Would you like to revise and expand on what you see as “critical” and do you have anything to say to these women?
Danny Akin, president of Southeastern Seminary: Dr. Akin, you are from Georgia. Do you think this will be the year the Dawgs finally exorcise the Tide demons?
Jason Allen, president of Midwestern Seminary: Dr. Allen, your seminary is the best success story in the SBC in regard to increasing enrollment. Congratulations on doing a great job at this. Last year you explained why Beth Moore, and thus any non-male, should not be elected president of the SBC. Do you think your seminary is a good choice for women who desire advanced degrees?
Adam Greenway, president of Southwestern Seminary: Dr. Greenway, your leadership over the past few months has been amazing in restoring the reputation of what was once the world’s largest seminary. Thank you for this. The latest financial report noted a reduction of millions of dollars in some expense categories. Are you planning to report to the convention on how much of this was from staff, travel, upkeep, housing, salaries, and other expenses directly related to the former president and his wife? If not, may I ask ‘why not’?
Jeff Iorg, president of Gateway Seminary: Congratulations, Dr. Iorg, on Gateway landing the Jonathan Edwards Center and partnership with Yale University. This is a stellar accomplishment and I commend you and the seminary for doing this. Are you concerned that this will brand your seminary as a “calvinistic” school?
Charles Kelley, president of New Orleans Seminary: Dr. Kelley, Rumor has it that you’re planning to take up jazz trumpet in retirement. If not, what do you plan to do in retirement?
Kevin Ezell, president of the North American Mission Board: Dr. Ezell, you may have noticed that NAMB is harshly criticized at times. What is the most important thing that would you like for Southern Baptists to understand about NAMB’s work in North America that you believe is misunderstood?
Paul Chitwood, president of the International Mission Board: Dr. Chitwood, those women rallying yesterday that were abuse victims and advocates, some have complaints against the IMB. Do you expect more revelations about abuse on the mission field by IMB workers and will this be handled differently that some in the past?
Ronnie Floyd, president and CEO of the SBC Executive Committee: Dr. Floyd, you’ve been on the job over two weeks now. Why haven’t you fixed everything that needs fixing yet?
I support all of our current SBC leaders and pray for them. They are all paid enough to handle difficult questions. These are easy questions and provide a platform for a few leaders to explain themselves and address things that need addressing. What better forum than from the floor of the convention?
Maybe you have questions.
If you see me at a mic, you might look for a shirt torn half off, my wife usually has a very firm grip to keep me in my seat. Smart lady.