Russell Moore, “I think gun control proponents are misguided in trying to persuade others of their position in the way they usually go about it,” Moore wrote in an email. “There are not two sides here about whether shootings should be stopped, laws enforced, and criminality punished, but rather two sides about whether gun control is a prudent way to carry out those common goals.” Source.
Russell Moore: “We live in a fallen world where things are not as they are supposed to be. I turn directly to the cross to show that God is not distant from this evil. He took that upon himself. Jesus also said this is the kind of world you’re in now. The spirit causes us to groan at the world around us.” Source.
Tommy Green, executive director of the Florida Baptist Convention, stated, “We ask that our Southern Baptist family join us in specific prayer this Sunday for those impacted by this horrific event. Our prayer is for God to grant comfort, mercy, and peace to these families.”
People Sick Of ‘Thoughts And Prayers’ Demand Action After Florida School Shooting. Warning, some foul language in the article.
J. D. Greear, (from Baptist Press): Among themes Greear would emphasize as SBC president, he wrote, are “the Gospel above all” as the convention’s source of unity; “cultural and racial diversity”; “intentional, personal evangelism”; “church planting”; and “engagement of the next generation in cooperative giving and mission.”
Ken Hemphill: “I think there has been an erosion of how local churches, associations, state conventions, and the national convention really function together in every dimension of the Great Commission,” Hemphill said in an interview.
David Platt, I have come to the realization that it is not viable long-term for me to lead as president of the IMB while serving as teaching pastor in a church.
Bobbi Ashford, IMB trustee and mother of SEBTS Provost Bruce Ashford, said, “David Platt’s wise and prayerful leadership has brought us safely through some challenging years, and I am grateful that he will remain in his role as IMB President at this time. May Southern Baptists to be devoted to prayer as a search committee is formed to begin the process of searching for David’s future replacement.”
Platt sought to implement his vision of a new IMB, but his short tenure means we will never know if that vision was going to succeed, wrote Dave Miller
David Platt, as reported: “trustee leaders have communicated a desire” [for me] “to serve with the IMB in the future in some capacity.” Platt indicated willingness to do that “if the Lord so leads.”