I didn’t have plans to come back up here after Lifeway sold their venerable conference center in the North Carolina mountains but the new owners have it open and here I am. It’s quiet this week but still a great place.
The Ridgecrest Foundation owns it now and it’s called Ridgecrest Conference Center.
The campus is tidy. The staff friendly and helpful. I like it and will return.
I have a bit of nostalgic heaviness as a I roam around the familiar spots here. Back in the day I’d be in charge a group of students (“youth” was still an acceptable word back then) from my church. There would be hundreds, thousands of people. The place would be crawling with church groups. However, I am not nostalgic about working 30 hour days as I did back then, and why wouldn’t all those other chaperones make their kids behave?
I see car tags from all over. Guy in a big hat just pulled up. Ah, tag from Texas. Long drive cowboy.
Here’s my salute to something good and positive among us. I pray the place thrives.
Looks like the ice cream place, Nibble Nook, isn’t open today. Bah humbug. Will have to get my empty calories somewhere else.