Eleven day ago two former SBC presidents, megapastors both, and another prominent SBC pastor wrote the Search Committee for the SBC Executive Committee and asked if minority candidates were interviewed for the open position and if not, why not. The letter was leaked to one of the Baptist state papers. The SC issued a statement yesterday that while the question of a minority interview was not answered, attempted to reassure Southern Baptists of the Committee’s committment to “ethnic diversity” in their work. Nothing happened in the ten days between except that conversation ripped and roared around the SBC with slams of racism, GOB-ism, and the like. If the letter’s intent was to embarrass the SBC it worked well. One would think that high profile committees in 2019 would understand that you can’t let criticism fester and explode without a timely response. There is enough to be disgusted with all around. The Committee will further update the convention in another nine days. There are no bad guys in this. Everyone is acting with the best intents. Still, the SBC loses. One might remind megapastors, powerbrokers, and high-profile committee members that no one has to give to the Cooperative Program. It’s not written anywhere, but the standard for top level search committees is: Interview at least one minority candidate. I doubt this lesson will be ignored.
Never has a story not yet published created such a storm in the SBC. The Houston Chronicle is promoting a story for tomorrow about sex abuse in the SBC. Over 700 victims in the past two decades will be featured in the piece. SBC president J. D. Greear, Ed Stetzer and others have already responded. The loose network of sex abuse victims and advocates anticipates the story may lead to a sea change in attitudes and perceptions for the SBC. Let the stories be told, the victims heard, and the perps held accountable.
OK, we’ve got the Virginia blackface messes, the Virginia rape and assault messes, and who knows what else may come from the Old Dominion. Thankfully, my ancestors got out of the state many generations ago and came to Georgia where everything is peachy.
And then theres Bezos…um…er…well. Best leave that lie and just say that we already knew that there’s not an upper income limit on stupid.
Southwestern Seminary has a new Masters of Divinity degree that requires less hours credit. It has been variously described as “cheaper” (in both dollars and value), “dumbed-down,” “streamlined,” or as the seminary is promoting it, “faithful, flexible, future-focused.” I recognize the rush to degrade the “gold standard” ministerial degree into a “silver” or “bronze” degree and I’m ambivalent about it. My wish that if the degree is earned that it would be used. The changes are, of course, about competing for students. Who needs Greek anyway? A. T. Robertson, author of the 1923 classic, The Minister and His Greek New Testament, is spinning in his grave. Now, if SWBTS can get students out of a variety of botique degree programs and into the MDiv program, that will be success. The seminary is considerably cheaper than the other five at the moment. BTW, I’m coming out with a book soon, “The Minister and His Tonsorial Habits.” Highly relevant in today’s cutting edge ministries.
Concerning the six SBC seminaries, nothing is more astonishing than the fact that Midwestern Seminary is second in FTEs only to Southern. It’s old news that SWBTS went from being the conservative gem of the SBC to a hot mess but one hopes they are back on track. BTW, SWBTS has yet to fully address respectful questions about their questionable financial practices of the past several years.
The Trump 2020 re-election effort seems to be going well. Democrat have already blown the bovine vote by complaining about cow farts.
Some things that need further exploration:
- The Nag Hammadi Illuminati; look it up, brethren. See, I told you.
- MLB’s consideration of a rules change that would require a relief pitcher to face a minimum of three batters. Back when I played baseball, I often prayed that the opposing pitcher would stay in the game so I could bat against him.
- Why no SBCV reader noticed that I described the little Cokes as “6 oz” when they are actually 6 1/2 oz. These things matter, brethren. You failed me.
- Why anyone in the SBC touted James MacDonald in the first place.
- The current price of a six-pack of beer compared to a six-pack of Nesquik. They are about the same.
- One hundred years ago states ratified the 18th amendment. Why is no one talking about when the anti-alcohol crowd had real political power?
- Why has no one invented a good solution to the malady of old age, dry skin and cracked fingertips? There are fortunes to be made in this.
Free advice:
- If you need a wheelbarrow, get one with a solid tire. You’ll save yourself a lot of grief.