The seminary reports are being given – all together now.
In keeping with the prayer emphasis, each president is going to pray for the next president.
Looks like questions will be at the end.
Chuck Kelly of NOBTS is up first.
Spent a lot of time on his seminary extensions and online opportunities. That seems to be the future. He mentions a huge gift from Caskeys.
The Caskey Challenge: Each Monday morning ask God to give you one opportunity to share the gospel.
(Wasn’t Caskey affiliated with Louisiana College at one point? What happened there? Now they’ve given $10,000,000 to NOBTS. Someone tell me what’s going on.)
Now comes Dr. Patterson and SWBTS
Reports on the Muslim man on the archaeology program. Trustees reviewed. Bylaws change. President can no longer make an exception. The entire board of trustees must make all exceptions. The young man whose name and picture was put on the internet had to leave the school for safety reasons.
All six seminaries are worldwide endeavors.
SWBTS has adopted a people group in Madagascar.
Pray for fidelity and that students will be soulwinners.
Next up, Dr. Akin and SEBTS
The presidents are falling all over one another in graciousness!!
The nations are coming to us. Actively pursuing ethnic diversity. Almost 14% of population of SEBTS.
working on extension programs and international partnerships.
Akin introduces Mohler.
THE SBTS and Dr. Mohler
As someone who has lost some weight, let me ask – has Al dropped some serious pounds? He looks healthier than he’s looked in years.
Claims SBTS has the most young men studying for the ministry at one place than ever before in the history of Christianity.
Jason Allen and M(W)BTS
Please announce that you will put the W in your name. pretty please?
Fastest growing seminary in North America? Why? “For the church” We have retooled every aspect of this seminary to serve the church. An Ephesians 4 mandate.
(First negative mention of bloggers!)
2.5 years in, we have retooled everything to serve the church.
Golden Gate and Jeff Iorg
Spending 45 million to complete 2 new facilities, debt free (as a result of sale of properties). Also, 40 million reserved for a permanent endowment.
Unprecendented opportunity to reimagine a seminary for the future. “Gateway Seminary.”
Distinctives won’t change, but some things will change.
New focus on mission and vision-particularly about facilities and technology. New identity because of the move.
The location has been difficult, but there has been supernatural unity and support.
No doubts we are on the right track!
Questions for seminary presidents?