Voices readers sometimes complain about the articles here, generally along the lines of who Voices is for and against. Reader griped about Randy Adams not receiving positive print here. Dude, get educated, then gripe.
Adams is one of the four SBC presidential candidates and I’ve written eight articles that feature Randy Adams in the title and several others where he is prominent in the body of the piece. May I say that Adams give boatloads of fodder for bloggers; thus, the quantity of articles on him. Most of these are linked below.
Evaluation of the SBC recovery program.
I’ll stand by my comment the other day that Adams is the most aggressive SBC presidential candidate in history. I mean, he’s out there day and night with a lot of stuff.
I watched an hour of him on facebooklive last evening with, according to the screen count, a couple of dozen other people. Enjoyed hearing a candidate that would speak plainly. Would have asked a few rabble rouser questions (Do you support an SBC abuser database? and Why don’t you name the offenders at LifeWay that you speak so much about? Why don’t you tell the whole story about ERLC and the amicus? Why didn’t you condemn or at least criticize the ABC trashing of the CP?) but I wasn’t approved for questions. I am now. Too late. My fault.
No question about it. Adams is the REFORM CANDIDATE, and he deserves the all caps.
He is also the anti-NAMB candidate for reasons he thinks are good. I don’t join him in all of that but agree with some.
I’ve never heard any denominational employee (he’s a state convention head and, yes, I’m aware that some people reserve “denomination” for only the national SBC entities) speak so plainly about corruption and mistrust in the SBC.
If Mike Stone wasn’t running, I’d seriously consider voting for Adams. Since he is and I’m voting for the person with the best shot at assuring Stone isn’t elected, I’ll vote for Mohler or Litton.
Memo to the facebook live hosts: do another one with Adams. Solicit questions prior to the event. Tell Bobby Gilstrap that no one is tuning in to hear his opinions, so let Adams talk more, Gilstrap less. Adams has thought a lot about all of these things and can handle the talking just fine. Get off the anti-NAMB theme and cover other important subjects.
I have never met, nor had personal correspondence with any of the candidates, although Adams did answer a question I put on his Twitter feed. My view is that we can have strong disagreements and still cooperate and be civil with one another. Southern Baptists don’t have believe that it is a virtue to say one thing privately and the opposite publicly. Adams is one I’d probably enjoy having a conversation with…if I could get a word in edgewise. He’s quite a talker.
In regard to which candidate Voices team members support, I think Litton would win an internal straw poll.