1. Big Ten, Pac 12 football. Does anyone require an explanation?
2. Alliterative sermon outlines. Forgive my fervent yet forlorn and perhaps foolish foray into the subject. Adrian could make it work but no one since.
3. The silly idea that only megapastors can be SBC presidents. God, give us a faithful pastor of a sub-megachurch as president…before I die.
4. Any pastor who asks, “Are you tracking with me?” I’m tracking the talking, preaching cliche of a pastor who uses the phrase.
5. The evaluation of everything in the SBC on the basis of Calvinism. Why would any noncal describe his theology as 3.5 point, or whatever point Calvinist?
6. Any state convention entity that is generations old but still consumes cooperative program dollars. If they aren’t compelling enough to make it on their own, are we subsidizing mediocrity, or worse?
7. The artificial scarcity of white fudge Oreo cookies. If they fly off the shelves make more. I can’t find a single box now that I ate the box Santa brought me.
There are more. Happy New Year.