This review is about 3 weeks late, but better late than never. I’m not sure how much longer this movie will be in theaters, but if it is still playing near you, take the family and go see it.
Last week, my wife and I decided to take in a movie on date night, and the only thing showing that we had any desire to see was “Soul Surfer”, which recounts the life story of Bethany Hamilton, a surfer whose arm was taken by a shark at a young age and who went on to become a champion anyway. She and her family are committed Christians, and she relied on the power of God to help her through.
I went to the movie mostly to hang out with my wife. My expectations for the film were not exactly high. Frankly, I think a lot of “Christian” movies are embarrassing – about as real as Disney World. I did not expect much more from this film.
I was surprised. It was well acted, powerful and poignant. Some of Hollywood’s best actors took part in the film. And it was real. Bethany Hamilton is an amazingly upbeat and positive young lady. But the movie presented her as a real person. who struggled with anger, hurt and fear after her dream seemed to be taken away.
I’m not saying this is going to get Oscar nominations, but it is well worth the two hours.
Take the family and go see it. If we don’t go see movies like this, Hollywood will go back to flushing its normal fare into the theaters of America.