Andy Hynes is a PhD candidate at Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary. Follow him @ABHYNES on Twitter.
As we sit and listen/watch all the moral and ethical ills of our country, and countries in the world, we must be reminded that the Gospel will go forth.
Isaiah 55:6-11 displays some significant truths about God’s Word. If the wicked are not called to repent, then they won’t. If they do, then the Lord will have compassion upon them, and He will abundantly pardon, will we????
Many will wonder if through all the disgusting and horrific news events, if people will be asking about God. Will they seek His “allowance” of evil? Will they ask where He was during all this?
While we don’t have to make explanation for God, He is fully capable of doing that Himself. However, we can look into many texts of Scripture and I believe this one in Isaiah is a great place to start.
In verses 8-9 Isaiah reminds us God’s thoughts are not our thoughts, nor are His ways, our ways. What in the world is God thinking or doing? How can any of these horrible crimes and situations bring Him glory???? I DON’T KNOW and you don’t either. And that is okay. What we do need to do is TRUST that His ways and thoughts in these things are perfect. He is working out all these things to bring about the greatest Glory for Himself. The mind of God is an incomprehensible thing. He thinks in the heavens and knows the future. He has determined the end from the beginning.
What if the women going into abortion clinics were confronted with the Gospel before they walked in? What is the student was met with the truth of Scripture before that first drug dealer encountered him?
I wonder if the mentality that we have in some way makes us think we are able to control things, so we jump into the fight. I am not advocating that we just naively stand aside as pacifists, but I am saying that we need to be consumed with preaching and teaching the truth.
John MacArthur said, “Unfortunately, today’s evangelicals are poorly equipped to meet such a challenge. Many see theology as less important than the great moral issues of our day such as abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality, and similar concerns. . . . ignorance and theological naiveté have left many evangelicals unable to defend what Scripture teaches.” (MacArthur, Justification by Faith ALONE).
Isaiah goes on in verses 10-11 to describe the identity of God’s Word going forth. As God’s Word goes out, it will accomplish that which it is meant to accomplish. If we want to engage in something, why not engage in sending forth God’s Word! God is the one that brings about the accomplishments of His Word. As is His custom, it will be perfect in completing that which He has already prepared for it to complete.
We become simple vessels and pots of clay in the hands of the Potter, which allows us to faithfully communicate the Word. While we can make strides to educate folks on the biblical standards in regards to moral and ethical issues, we don’t need to make these issues our platform. Make the Gospel the platform, and then be available to be used!
Some may think I am not concerned about the moral and ethical issues of our society. That is not true, but I am choosing to be more concerned about every conversation, thought, and opportunity being about the Gospel. I choose to look at each conversation and situation as a way to glorify Christ. I do not want to get wrapped up in curing the problems, but being an obedient vessel. Let’s preach repentance and let’s reach out to those who are involved in the horrific situations and tell them about Christ.
I don’t know, maybe I am crazy, but if I am I want to be crazy for Christ!