SBC Voices exists, in part, to provide a forum for folks to share their opinions. I thought it would be interesting to learn our readers’ opinions about preaching. I’m 75 years old, and I’ve been a Southern Baptist all my life. My father pastored SBC churches. So, I heard his sermons for many years. For about forty years I preached nearly every Sunday, but since I retired from missionary service, I’ve preached much less. In fact, last year I preached just once, and I’ll preach only once this year. That means I’ve transitioned from preaching to listening. For sure, I have opinions about preaching, but I want to hear yours as well. So, here goes.
How long should a sermon be?
What type of preaching do you prefer?
Expository (often called text-driven today) The sermon outline comes from the Bible text.
Topical—The preacher develops a logical outline that uses various verses to deal with a topic.
Doctrinal/Ethical—The preacher selects verses from various places in the Bible to teach a doctrine or ethical principle.
Biographical—The preacher focuses on a Bible character.
Narrative—The preacher tells a story and then applies a Bible text to the story.
Confessional—The preacher confesses his struggle with something and explains how he coped.
Should the preacher give a walk-the-aisle invitation?
How should the preacher dress? Are you a coat and tie person or do you prefer a casual look?
Should the preacher use a traditional wooden pulpit?
What preacher mannerisms irritate you?
What type of illustrations do you prefer?
Do you like or would you like to see video clips used as sermon illustrations?
Do the preachers you hear provide enough application in their sermons?
Please share your opinions on these questions. Beyond these, you may want to mention something you really like or a pet peeve you want to get off your chest. It’s often said that where there are four Southern Baptists, there are five opinions. So, here’s your big chance.
Opine away.